Kreatif dan Hebat, Musik Hanya dari Sound di Windows XP and 98
Amazing, keren sekali musik dibuat hanya dari sound-sound sistem operasiwindows XP dan windows 98. musik dibuat dengan software ModPlug Tracker. suaranya dirangkai dari suara dung, dll yang dah akrab di telinga kita seperti suara error, suara klik, suara starup dll. coba dengan dan kamu akan terkesima woww... :O keyennnnn mmmh nanti saya convert ke mp3 trus di jadiin ringtone hehehe... mau?
EDIT 6: My video has been shown at "Forward - The Viral VideoAward" (interfilm Berlin)! Make sure you check out all the awesomevideos there too. =D
EDIT 5: StepMania simfile available for extended version, thanks to Ashpotter!
Download links:
EDIT 4: Make sure you get this version of ModPlug Tracker:
Thatwill install itself as a program, which you can start running from theStart menu, as you would with most other programs. ;)
A guide for getting started with ModPlug Tracker can be found here (I didn't make it) :
EDIT3: Just to try to avoid me having to reply to every other comment whichsays that it must have taken me ages to make, or that I must've beenbored:
This was just a way for me to pass a few hours of boredom.Yes, I WAS bored. No, I'm not trying to "prove" anything - that this iswhat I'm "capable of". I just thought I'd upload my music as a videohere, to YouTube. I'm not the one who spread it around to Digg orrandom blogs, - I uploaded it here at YouTube some time back inDecember 2007 and it has only just "taken off", after all.
EDIT2: I'm making the IT file be available now too, don't really mind anymore. I guess I'm too busy working on new things (not mod music) toworry about the 'old' ones. :P
638 KB, as ZIP
EDIT 1: There's an extended version - please look at the end of this description text!
拡張版ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã"ã®ãƒ†ã‚ストã®æœ€å¾Œã‚'見ã¦ãã ã•ã„ï¼
A piece of music I made using some of the various sounds Windows XP and 98 come with.
The music is about 1:31 long. After that, I show the sounds which were used.
The video is screen-captured from ModPlug Tracker, the program which I made the music on.
Windows XPã¨98ã§æ¥ã‚‹æ§˜ã€...ãªéŸ³ã‚'使用ã•ã‚Œã‚‹ã"ã¨ã§ã€ä¿ºãŒä½œã£ãŸéŸ³æ¥½ã€‚
ãƒ"デオã¯ModPlug Trackerã€ä¿ºãŒéŸ³æ¥½ã‚'作ã£ãŸãƒ—ãƒã‚°ãƒ©ãƒ 。
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
High-quality stereo MP3:
(2.41 MB MP3 / 2.18 MB ZIP)
拡張版! (ZIPã®ä¸ã§ã®MP3):
(3.33 MB)
(I might've gone a little over-the-top at the end...)
Ifthe extended version above gives you problems - such as cutting off atthe end, because the duration was miscalculated (appears to happen withiTunes?), then I've made this constant bitrate version, as analternative to the variable bitrate version above. This will fix thecutting off and miscalculation of the duration, but is a littleunnecessarily large and is a little lower quality than VBR (but highestpossible when using CBR).
(4.16 MB)