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Css Template Gratis Toko Online
Anton Hilman Design 11-01-2012 07:44 WIB

Css Template Gratis Toko Online

Free CSS E Shop Template [download] Free CSS Baby Shop Template [download] Free CSS Furniture Shop Template [download] Free CSS Fashion Shop Template [download] Free HTML Hardware Store Template [download] Free HTML Online Store Template [download] Free HTML Hardware Shop Template [download] Free HTML Flower Online Store Template [download] Free HTML Mobile Store Template [download] Free CSS Online Store Template [download] Free CSS Computer Online Shop Template [download] Free HTML Furniture...

Baca selengkapnya Logo Baru, Tampilan Baru waw!
Anton Hilman Design 07-12-2011 17:50 WIB Logo Baru, Tampilan Baru waw!

wew asli terkejut pas buka situs video youtube. tampilan baru, favicon baru, warna logo baru pokoknya fresh banget. muantap salute buat youtube google.

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8 Desain Logo DimensiTekno
Anton Hilman Design 30-10-2011 12:54 WIB

8 Desain Logo DimensiTekno

Saya coba mendisain beberapa logo untuk DimensiTekno seperti 8 buah diatas. inspirasinya adalah dimensi, internet, teknologi,simple, elegan. saya butuh bantuan semua memilih dari 8 logo diatas. Kepada teman-teman semua mohon bantuannya ya. silahkan pilih 8 logo diatas. saya juga menerima kritik saran untuk logo dimensitekno ini.

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35 Website untuk Inspirasi Logo
Anton Hilman Design 30-09-2011 10:08 WIB

35 Website untuk Inspirasi Logo

1) LogoFury2) LogoOfTheDay3) Wolda4) LogoPond5) LogoSauce6) logolounge7) LogoMoose8 ) LogoFI9) LogoFaves10) FaveUp11) LogoGalleria12) LogoBliss13) LogoInspirations14) LogoTwo15) LogoGallery16) 99Designs17) TypeBased18) LogoOrange19) LogoWorks20) TheLogoFactory21) LogoDesign-WebDesign22) Studio7Designs23) TemplatesBox24) EMT-India25) LogoBang26) Cleaning-Logos27) ELogoDesign28) Lo8os29) CarbonMade30) StationeryStyle31) Browse.Deviantart32) IdentityArchives33) Logoed34) LogoHeroes35)...

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Desain Cover Jurnal Notarius Mkn FH Unand
Anton Hilman Design 14-08-2011 07:11 WIB

Desain Cover Jurnal Notarius Mkn FH Unand

Saya dimintai tolong Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Unand untuk mendisain cover jurnal notarius untuk edisi volume 1. berikut hasil desain covernya. mohon pencerahan.

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Logo Rumah Gadang di Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Anton Hilman Design 28-07-2011 16:09 WIB

Logo Rumah Gadang di Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Habis download converter file office 2007 ke office 2003 disitus microsoft eh sekilas liat logo yg gak asing lagi karena mirip logo tourism padang. tapi dengan kesan 3D dan atap gonjong dilihat dari samping. Nah buat yg mirip-mirip sama ini logonya siap-siap saja menerima tuntutan microsoft tapi kalao dah di patenkan malah berbinar2 tuh hehehe dapat royality dari microsoft wakkakak...

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Kreasitek Hasil Pencarian Logo Kreatif di Google Images
Anton Hilman Design 30-11-2010 06:13 WIB

Kreasitek Hasil Pencarian Logo Kreatif di Google Images

Lagi cari inspirasi buat logo morzing!com - situs dunia homor, unik, aneh dan amazing. trus buka om google images dan ketik logo kreatif. eh ga nyangka logo kreasitek nongol di baris ke 3 hasil pencarian images. di liat ampe ke bawah banyak juga logo kreasitek lainnya. sip sip thx buat om...

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10 Steps to Create a High-quality Website
Anton Hilman Design 16-08-2010 09:09 WIB

10 Steps to Create a High-quality Website

A valuable offer of information does not fall from the sky and it is impossible to gather it in a few easy clicks. No. What you need are goals, content, structure, design, programming and maintenance. What you need is expertise - constantly. This article outlines - without attempting to be comprehensive - the ten most important steps to create a good website. A checklist to be collected and shared.1. CommitmentIf you don't sincerely want to create a website and don't intend to maintain it:...

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Anton Hilman

Professional Web Developer, Graphic Designer, Husband, Father & GEEK ;)

All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Images, logos, and text owned by other copyright holders are used here under the guidelines of the Fair Use provisions of United States Copyright Law. These images and text are used solely for the educational purposes of high school design students and are not intended to generate income for the school, its employees, or its students.