CONFIRMED Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 500; Naruto Lahir, Kyuubi Mencoba Lolos dari Kushina

Naruto 500 Confirmed Spoilers

Credits: Ohana

Verification: Confirmed



There's an Anbu mask (Probably Madara)
ada topeng anbu(kemungkinan madara)

Baby Naruto is being carried.
bayi naruto sedang di urus










生まれる 10月10日






The childbirth was kept an absolute secret.
kelahiran bayi sngat dirahasiakan

Mikoto was accompanied by an infant (Sasuke), and in front of Kushina were two friends.
bayi sasuke disamping mikoto, dan di depan kushina ada 2 orang teman

Kushina, like with Mikoto, the childbirth will be painful, according to one of the women.
seperti mikoto kelahiran kushina akan menyakitkan

As the child came forth, the Kyuubi probably came out (the seal weakened) that's why Mikoto also witnessed it.
saat bayi lahir, kyuubi kemungkinan juga akn keluar(segelnya melemah) karena itu mikoto ikut menyaksikannya

Kushina was in pain.
kushina kesakitan

Several Anbu members were on standby in front of the room.
beberapa anbu berjaga2 di depan ruangan

Date of birth: October 10.
tanggal kelahiran10 oktober

The seal weakens. Minato [tries] to strengthen it.
segelnya melemah. minato mencoba memperkuatnya

A masked ANBU takes the infant (Naruto).
anbu bertopeng megambil bayi naruto

The masked man says, "Let's get away from the human sacrifices, child, otherwise you also will be one”
pria itu berkata: "mari menjauh dari pengorbanan manusia ini nak, kalau tidak kau juga akan dikorbankan nanti"


Translation by Crush

Naruto's birth was carried out in secret.
kelahiran naruto dirahasiakan

But, Mikoto and Kushina were friends, so Mikoto was allowed to bring baby Sasuke to where Naruto was to be born.
tapi mikoto dan kushina berteman jadi mikoto diperbolehkan membawa bayi sasuke ke tempat naruto lahir(tua sasuke ya :o)

Mikota and Kushina have a woman's conversation (About the pain of birth).
mikoto dan kushina berbicara tentang sakitnya melahirkan

At the time of birth, the Kyuubi threatens to escape fro Kushina (due to the weakening of the seal), so Minato makes an appearance.
sewaktu naruto lahir kyuubi mencoba melepaskan diri dari kushina(karena segel kyuubi melemah) jadi minato memperkuatnya

Kushina was in great pain, and Anbu stand by (on alert) right outside the room.
kushina dalam kesakitan yg sngat dan anbu siaga berjaga2 di luar ruangan

Naruto was born on October 10th.
naruto lahir tgl 10 oktober

The seal was greatly weakened, so Minata attempted to fix it.
segel kyuubi jadi sngat lemah, jadi minato mencoba memperbaikinya

Baby Naruto is taken by a masked Anbu; seperated from his parents, otherwise he will be the next human sacrifice.
bayi naruto diambil anbu bertopeng, dipisahkan dari ibu dan ayahnya, kalau tidak dia akan jadi korban jg

That's it.
itu se nyo.. :p