Prediksi Komik Naruto 500; Madara melepas kyuubi dari kushina tapi tak bisa mengontrolnya


by: Woo

Naruto 500: Revealed!

Within in the mind of Naruto, Kushina speaks of her past.
dalam pikiran naruto kushina menceritakan masa lalunya

Kushina - I... I was the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. That's where it all began.
saya adalah jinchuuriki sebelumnya. dari sanalah semua dimulai

Naruto - You... you were the previous host before me, I thought that fox never had a host. But why you? Why did you have to be the host? What happened that night 16 years ago?(Naruto has a serious stare of his face)
kau... kau jinchuuriki sebelumku, kukira kyuubi tak punya jinchuuriki sebelumnya.tapi kenapa kamu?kenapa kamu jadi jinchuuriki?apa yg terjadi malam 16 tahun lalu?

Kushina - It all started that day your father rescued me, the Konoha specialist found out why I was kidnapped. It was because of my of special chakra that can control the chakra and will of the Tailed Beasts being able to tame them for certain periods of time under certain circumstances.
ini semua dimulai dihari ayahmu menyelamatkan ku, ahli konoha mengetahui kenapa aku diculik.itu karena cakra spesialku yg bisa mengendalikan cakra dan pikiran bijuu, mampu menjinakkan mereka untuk jangka waktu tertentu dalam kondisi tertentu

kilas balik

Konoha tech - This chakra... (gasp) It can't be... Is she of any relation to the First Hokage? Her mind is unbendable, I can't read it. It's protected by a force of mental chakra chains. Who is this girl?
ahli konoha: cakra ini... ini tak mungkin.. apa dia punya hub dengan hokage pertama?pikirannyanya tak bisa ditundukkan, saya tidak bisa membacanya. Itu dilindungi oleh kekuatan rantai chakra mental. Siapa gadis ini?

??????? - She is Kushina Uzumaki, Daughter of the fallen waterfall clan. Only recently were they found to be exterminated.
Dia Kushina Uzumaki, Putri klan air terjun. baru-baru ini mereka ditemukan telah dibasmi.

Konoha tech #2 - Third! How did she survive?
sarutobi!bagaimana dia bs lolos?

Hiruzen - Thank Konoha's White Fang. Before his last mission he rescued her. He was forbidden to, but he decided against his superiors to do it.
sarutobi: Terima kasih untuk Konoha's White Fang. Sebelum misi terakhir, ia menyelamatkannya. Dia dilarang, tapi ia memutuskan melawan atasannya untuk melakukannya.

Konoha Tech #1 - But why was she pursued? What did those ninjas want with this child?
Tapi kenapa dia dikejar? Apa yang mereka inginkan dari anak ini?

Hiruzen - She can control the Tailed Beast. (Thunderbolt struck) And she holds within her, the Nine Tailed Fox. The moment she was brought here, the sealing pot that contained the beast was subdued due to her chakra so the elders decided to seal it within her.
sarutobi: Dia bisa mengontrol bijuu. Dan dalam dirinya ada kyuubi. Begitu dia dibawa ke sini, panci penyegel yang berisi bijuu itu tenang karena chakra nya sehingga para tetua memutuskan untuk menyegel dalam dirinya.

Back in the mind of Naruto

Naruto - So you were able to weaken the fox? Go mom! Hahahahaha!
Jadi kau dapat melemahkan kyuubi? bagus bu! Hahahahaha!

Kushina - Thanks Naruto, but the story doesn't end there. Within the village only few knew of my powers and what I had within me. Orochimaru, Granny Tsunade as we both call her, your godfather and sensei Jiraiya (image of youthful sanins), your father (performing a jutsu), the Hokage and the elders and those that sealed it within me. Only they in the village knew.
Kushina: Terima kasih Naruto, tapi ceritanya tidak berakhir di sana. Di desa hanya sedikit yg tahu kekuatan ku dan apa yang ada dalam diriku. Orochimaru, Nenek Tsunade sebagai kami berdua memanggilnya, godfather dan gurumu Jiraiya sensei , ayah mu, Hokage dan para tetua . Hanya mereka yg tahu.

Kushina - But there was one other, a masked man, whom you and your father know as Madara Uchiha. He was determined to release the beast under his control once more.
Kushina: Tapi ada satu yang lain, seorang pria bertopeng, yang kamu dan ayahmu kenal sebagai Madara Uchiha. Ia bertekad untuk melepaskan kyuubi di bawah kendalinya sekali lagi.

kilas balik - nanti saya sambung ya ada kerjaan

(Night of Naruto's birth.)
malam naruto lahir

Nurse - Yes Kushina you can do it, just one more push.
suster: ayo kushina kau bisa, hanya satu kali dorongan lagi

kushina: ahhhhhhhhhhh

Baby Naruto - Waah Waah Waah!
naruto bayi: oeekkkk oeekkkk oeekk

(Looking from beyond)
melihat dr luar

Madara - heh, now that she's in her weakened state, I can move into place.
madara: heh, sekarang dia dalam keadaan lemah, saya bs bergerak

(Hospital room)
ruang rumah sakit

Madara - You have something that belongs to me. (performs hand seals, he places his hands on her mind and stomach) RELEASE! MANGEKYO SHARINGAN!
madara: kau punya sesuatu yg jadi milik saya, membuat segel dan menempelkan di perut kushina, melepas kyuubi, mangekyou sharingan

kushina: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

kyuubi: akhirnya bebas!!!tidak!aku mencium uchiha,tunjukkan dirimu kau tak bs sembunyi aku bs mencium baumu

(The village shakes, people scream, buildings break apart)
desa terguncang, orang2 berteriak, bangunan runtuh

Madara - Heh, pathetic fox. Do you remember these eyes? (Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!)
madara: huh kyuubi payah. kau ingat mata ini?

(Within the mind of the fox)

kyuubi: kau bodoh, kau tak bs mengendalikan ku mulai sekarang

Madara - We shall see about that. (He glares at the fox and a seal appears above his head). I have control of your will, that is the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.
madara: kita akan lihat. (merapal segel).saya bs mengontrol keinginanmu, itulah kekuatan eternal mangekyou sharingan

Nine Tailed Fox - NO! THIS CAN'T BE!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry For what's about to happen Kushina, I'm so sorry.
kyuubi: tidak!ini tak mungkin... maaf dengan apa yg terjadi padamu kushina, maafkan saya

Kushina - (within the mind of the fox her mind has melded together with the fox) It's okay Fox, everything will be alright. At least my son is safe, such a beautiful human being just like his father.
kushina: tak apa2 kyuubi. semua akan baik2 saja.selama anak saya selamat

Back in the mind of Naruto

Kushina - As the controlled Nine Tails ravished the village, your father The Fourth Hokage, was able to do recon on why the fox was released.
kushina: ayahmu hokage ke 4 dan tau kyuubi dilepas

Kushina - He was able to summon Gamabunta to help do as much protection he can to hold back the fox while he battles with the masked man Madara. Fortunately he was no match.
kushina: dia mensummon gamabunta untuk menolong menahan kyuubi sementara dia melawan madara. tidak beruntung dia bukan lawannya.

Kushina - Your father knew he could not defeat Madara so he teleported atop Gama's head and performed the forbidden jutsu of the Death God.
kushina: ayahmu tau dia tak bs mengalahkan madara jadi dia teleport ke kepala gama bunta dan merapal segel dewa kematian

(A flash back shows Minato preparing to summon the Death God, while Madara lingers by with an unsure eye. The Death God is summoned)
minato merapal segel dewa kematian madara melihat tak percaya

(Flashback in the village)

Minato - (Thinking) Kushina... I can feel that you are not here anymore but within the mind of the fox. Forgive me, I can't save you.... (he shed tears as the Death God prepares) We will be together Kushina, but within the mind of our son Naruto.
minato: kushina aku bs merasakan kau tak disini lagi tapi di pikran kyuubi. maafkan saya, saya tak bs menyelamtkanmu. kita akan bersama di dalam alam pikiran anak kita naruto

Minato - (Thinking) He will know the truth about all his in the future when the time is right. (Heh) Maybe then he will surpass me and finish the technique.
minato: dia akan tahu suatu hari nanti. mungkin dia bs melampaui ku dan menyempurnakan tekniku

(The Death God reached out through the body of Minato and grasped the Nine Tailed Fox and Minato performed the sealing jutsu upon his son and split the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Fox into two. The village is lying in waste, Madara has disappeared, Gamabunta brings forth the bodies of Minato and Kushina to the shrine Naruto was kept, Naruto cried violently and whiskers grew on his face as the seal on his stomach is revealed)
minato merapal segel dan memisahkan cakra kyuubi menjadi 2 dan menyegel ke naruto. madara menghilang.gamabunta membawa tubuh minato dan kushina dan meninggalkan naruto, naruto menangis nyaring. garis muncul di pipinya seiring segel di perutnya.

Back in the mind of Naruto

Kushina - That is the story Naruto. Your father is a brave individual. He did all he could to save the village, especially you, our final legacy. Now my son, carry on forth with the will of fire you possess.
kushina: begitulah ceritanya naruto.ayahmu seorang pemberani. dia melakukan apa saja untuk menyelamatkan desa. terutama kau, penerus kami.

Kushina - Use it to bring peace and tranquility, but know this my son, the world needs balance. Peace alone cannot linger, it's opposite has to be there too for balance in the world.
gunakan untuk membuat perdamaian, sekarang dunia butuh keseimbangan.

Naruto - I will carry on your legacy, the will of fire, and bring balance to the world and become the Orange Hokage. Thank you mom, Madara will get what's coming to him, I won't swear vengeance, if we fight, it would be to the death.
naruto: saya akan jadi penerus kalian bu, dan membawa keseimbangan pada dunia. dan menjadi hokage oranye. makasih bu,madara akan mendapatkan balasannya, jika kami bertarung maka akan samapai mati

Kushina - Thank you my son, i love you so much, and your father love you too, treat your grandmother nicely too. (she begins to fade slowly)
makasih anaku aku sngat menyayangi, juga ayahmu dan nenemu. kushina mulai menghilang.

Naruto - I love you too mom, and my grandmother, who is that. Wait don't go yet! (he cries)
naruto: aku juga sangat menyayangimu bu, juga nenekku tapi siapa dia?tunggu...

Kushina - You'll have figure it out naruto, or she might tell you. But one last thing before I leave and you open your eyes. Talk to the fox. He knows more about the Sage of 6 Paths. He called you that earlier. I love you son. We'll be watching over you. (fades away)
kau akan tau sendiri, atau dia akan memberitahumu.bicaralah pada kyuubi dia tau tentang sage six path. aku selalu memperhatikanmu

Naruto - I love you too mom and dad. (looking at the cage the fox is sealed in) Alright fox, I won't leave here till you tell me why you called me the Sage of 6 Paths.
naruto. baiklah kyuubi saya takkan pergi sebelum kau mmeberitahuku kenapa kau menyebutku sage six path.

Nine Tailed Fox - Hmph! Wretched Brat! Fine. I have no where else to go.
kyuubi: hhhm anak keras kepal.baikalah saya takkan kemana2

What will be the outcome for the akatsuki now that naruto knows the secret of madara. What will the Nine Tails tell him.
apa yg akan terjadi dengan akatsuki setelah naruto tau rahasia madara?apa yag akan diberitahu kyuubi padanya?

Next week Chapter 501 - Rebirth of the Sage
chpater berikutnya 501 kelahiran sage kembali