Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 496; Bee and Hachibi feat Naruto vs Kyuubi, Segel Kyuubi dibuka Penuh!
by: Ohana - 2Ch
The Mangekyou to master is harder than to seal the Juubi away.
Menguasai mangekyu lebih sulit dari menyegel juubi(?)
Naruto and Bee success to extract (let him out) the Kyuubi.
naruto dan bee sukses meng ekstrak kyuubi(mengeluarkan kyuubi)
Kyuubi goes wild and says something like "You came to control me?".
Kyuubi menjadi liar dan mengatakan sesuatu seperti "kau mau mengendalikan aku?"
I think they're brought into a spirit/mind world.
saya pikir mereka di dunia pikiran
Bee and fist and fist are stuck out. (this line is strange, Bee uses the hachibi, too, but the octopus tentacles are cut by the Kyuubi."
Kewl said: The second line, like there made no sense.
Even if it only said "first" once.
(penerjemah pusing karena kurang jelas mngkin)
The newer spoiler says that the Hachibi helps fight but it's legs get chopped off. Hachibi only appeared as legs though (maybe sticking out of Bee).
Spoiler terbaru mengatakan hachibi membantu melawan kyuubi tapi tentakelnya dipotong kyuubi
The Kyuubi feels strangley unconfortable now that there is no darkeness hiding in Naruto.
kyuubi merasa tak nyaman sekarang karena tak ada kegelapan dalam diri naruto
Naruto releases the seal, he opens the key on his stomach by himself.
naruto melepas segel, dia membuaka kunci di perutnya sendiri
Kyuubi cutting of the Hachibi's tails
Kyuubi memotong ekor hachibi
naruto feels extraneous to the demon inside him.
naruto merasa asing dengan setan dalam dirinya
naruto remove the seal.
naruto membuka segelnya