Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 486; Tak ada pilihan lain naruto selain melawan sasuke


Naruto: I get it, if we fight seriously now we'll both die.

Naruto: You're a friend! That's why I'll shoulder your hatred together with you by dying with you.

Sakura cries upon hearing this.

Sasuke: You don't understand anything about pain - I won't die - you alone will die.

Kakashi: You must become Hokage so let me take care of Sasuke!

Naruto: You want me to become a hokage who can't save a single comrade/friend!?

... and that's basically it.


Both are blown away by the explosion caused by both their techniques.

Naruto:"I understand it now, if we both fight seriously, we'll both die." Therest is ommitted (I'm an idiot~ He preaches, but to no avail.)

Naruto: "Because you're my friend, that's why I'll bear your hatred with you and why I'll die with you.

When she hears that, Sakura cries and says Naruto's name

Sasuke: "I don't intend to let you understand my pain. I'm not going to die, you'll die alone"

Kakashi: "Aren't you supposed to become Hokage? Let me handle Sasuke!"

Naruto: "I can't become Hokage if I can't even save a single friend! I'm going to fight Sasuke!!!"

what kind of option is "I'll kill Sasuke and die myself, as well"


it ends with someone (doesnt say who, but in all likeliness naruto) stating he will fight sasuke.

itsassumed that he will do this if sasuke comes to assault konoha. thesecond to last line is more or less a repetition of this: naruto has nochoice but to fight sasuke if he comes to assault konoha.

the last line is about yugioh, so no sweat there...



Naruto: Aku mengerti, jika kita bertarung sungguh-sungguh sekarang kita berdua akan mati.

Naruto: kau temanku! Itu sebabnya aku akan meananggung kebencian mu bersama dengan kamu dengan mati denganmu.

Sakura menangis setelah mendengar ini.

Sasuke: Kau tidak mengerti apa-apa tentang kepedihan - aku tidak akan mati - kau sendiri yg akan mati.

Kakashi: kau harus menjadi Hokage jadi izinkan aku mengurus Sasuke!

Naruto: Kau ingin aku menjadi seorang Hokage yang tidak dapat menyelamatkan satu kawan / teman!?

... dan itu dasarnya.


berakhirdengan seseorang (sepertinya naruto) yang menyatakan ia akan melawan sasuke.

dengan berasumsi bahwa ia akan melakukan hal ini jika sasuke datang menyerang Konoha. untukkedua baris terakhir kurang lebih pengulangan ini: naruto tidakmemiliki pilihan lain kecuali melawan sasuke kalau dia datang untukmenyerang Konoha.