Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 473; Kisame Tewas!? Ao selamat dan Sai membuka Rahasia Sakura [UPDATE]
by: Nja-2Ch
by: Shishi-Inu
A simple spoiler.
Spoiler sederhana.
Kisame went berserk and used the Hachibi's chakra and was found by Raikage and co.
Kisame mengamuk dan menggunakan chakra Hachibi dan ditemukan oleh Raikage dan pengawalnya.
Hegets hit with a Double Lariat from the brothers and is decapitated anddies. (Not sure about the decapitation but he does die)
Dia mendapat dua serangan dari kakak-beradik raikage-killer bee, dipenggal dan mati. (Tidak yakin tentang pemenggalan kepala, tetapi ia tidak mati)
Ao is caught by the Mizukage and pretends to be an ally at first but is found out by Mizukage right away.
Ao tertangkap oleh Mizukage dan berpura-pura menjadi teman pada awalnya, tetapi diketahui oleh Mizukage segera.
She hits him in the face and brings him back to his senses.
Dia memukul wajahnya dan membawanya kembali ke dirinya sendiri.
It ends with Sai trying to tell Naruto the things that Sakura couldn't.
Berakhir dengan Sai mencoba mengatakan apa yang tak bisa dikatakan Sakura.
the fight is settled with the 'Cross bomber' and just then his [?] body turns black and his head ejects off the body.
pertarungan diselesaikan dengan 'Cross bomber' dan kemudian [?] tubuh kisameberubah hitam dan kepalanya terlepas dari tubuhnya.
the final lines are as the head flies off
baris terakhir adalah kepala kisame terlempar
"Suiton: somethingorother~ VROOM! (head flies off) that's pretty...impressive....speed"
"cukup mengesankan dan cepat..."
kisame's last words
kata-kata terakhir kisame
"Suiton: somethingorother~ VROOM! (head flies off) that's pretty...impressive....speed"
cukup mengesankan dan cepat...
then he dies ><
lalu dia mati
---------------------- [UPDATE] ------------------------
Will even the Hachibi be captured by Akatsuki...!?
akankah hachibi juga di tangkap akatsuki?
Chapter 473: Brother
Part 1
Kisame tries to cut off Bee's legs.
kisame mencoba memotong kaki bee
Sabu-chan is running to where Bee is.
sab chan berlari ke arah mereka
Bee: (Over here!)
bee: saya disini
Bee turns around.
bee berbalik
Kisame: !!?
kisame terkejut
Bee throws a pencil at Kisame.
bee melemparkan pensilnya yg tertancap di salju ke arah kisame
Kisame: (A Pencil!!?)
kisame: pensil?
The pencil cuts the side of Kisame's face (his cheeks). The pencil pierces a tree.
pensil melukai pipi kisame dan menhancurkan pohon di belakanngnya
Bee: (That was close...)
bee: sedikit lagi..
Kisame, who's face is bleeding: You were aiming at this weren't you. That was certainly a close call wasn't it. I'd forgotten that pencil you threw earlier landed over there.
Kisame, dng wajah yang berdarah: Aku sudah lupa bahwa sebelumnya kau melempar pensil n mendarat di sana.
Bee: ...
Samehada starts moving in the tree. Kisame will now stop Bee.
samehada bergerak di pepohonan. kisame akan menghentikan bee
Swinging the sword, a shuriken cuts and breaks the sword.
shuriken tiba-tiba memotong pedang di tangan kisame
Kisame: !?
The Raikage and his escorts appear.
raikage dan pengawalnya muncul
Shii: Sorry for the delay Bee.
shi: maaf terlambat bee
Kisame: Raikage!? Why are you here...!?
kisame: raikage?!kenap kau bisa ada disini
Shii: Hoshigaki Kisame...thanks to you, we saw that massive amount of water and were able to detect the Hachibi's chakra mixed in it.
shi: kisame, terima kasih. kami melihat kubah air dan cakra hachibi di dalamnya
Darui: You were reckless by sucking up other people's chakra and using it. You gave yourself away.
darui: Kau ceroboh menghisap chakra orang lain dan menggunakannya untuk dirimu
Samehada follows Bee.
samehada mengikuti bee
Bee: ...yep, you gave yourself away didn't you...
bee: yap, untuk dirimu
Kisame: ...! (That Samehada...he likes the Hachibi's chakra after all...)
kisame:...! (samehada sangat menyukai cakra hachibi)
Raikage: Let's do it...
raikage: ayo kita lakukan...
Bee: Ok...brother!
bee: baiklah saudaraku
Bee and the Raikage dash out, Kisame's put his hands in front of his head (seals?)
bee dan raikage menyerang bersamaan dan kisame melindungi kepalanya dengan tangannya
Bee combos with Raikage: Double Lariat!!
bee dan raikage membuat serangan bersama
Bee does the lariat from in front, Raikage in back. Kisame is in-between. Kisame gets decapitated.
bee melakukan dari depan dan raikage dari belakang
Kisame: As expected, that was quick huh...
kisame: seperti di duga, serangan yg sangat cepat
Sabu-chan is running.
sab chan berlari
Kisame's head falls in front of Sabu-chan.
kepala kisame jatuh di depan sab chan
Sabu-chan, surprised: Ehh!!
sab chan terkejut
Raikage grips Bee's head.
raikage mencengkram kepala bee
Raikage: How dare you going at it alone!!
raikage: beraninya kau bepergian sendiri
Bee: ...even without my dominant arm, it was effective in this crisis♪
Part 2
Snow falls in the country of the samurai.
salju turun di negeri samurai
Samurai A: How is it below?
Samurai A: Bagaimana di bawah ini?
Samurai B: Besides us, annihilated.
Samurai B: Selain kita, musnah.
Samurai A: We have yet to find 2 of Sasuke's subordinates I hear...you didn't seem them?
Samurai A: Kami belum menemukan 2 anggota Sasuke ... Anda tidak melihat mereka?
Samurai B: ...Didn't see them. They must've died yeah? There's nothing left down there.
Samurai B: ... saya tidak melihat mereka. Mereka pasti mati ya? Tidak ada yang tersisa di sana.
Mifune's escort's? left eye was damaged; he's like a Buddhist priest: No...Kumo's sensor confirmed that they are alive, and left it to us to take care of as promised.
pendamping Mifune? mata kiri rusak, ia seperti seorang pendeta Buddha: tidak .. Kumo merasakan bahwa mereka masih hidup, dan meninggalkan kepada kita untuk mengurus seperti yang dijanjikan.
Samurai B: O-oh, so that's it?
Samurai B: O-oh, jadi begitu?
Mifune's escort unsheaths his sword: You two...remove your armor!
pengawal Mifune menghunus pedangnya: Kalian berdua ... buka baju besi kalian!
Samurai B: ...
Other samurai gather round.
samurai lainnya berkumpul
Samurai B removes his helmet (Suigetsu): Haha...we've been given away huh.
suigetsu membuka helmnya
Samurai C (Jugo): As thought, it wasn't such a good plan after all.
juugo: sudah kukira ini bukan rencana yg bagus
The sickle is holding the puppet by it's clothes.
Sabit dipegang boneka.
Ao: Ha Ha I've been saved...
ao: hahha saya telah diselamatkan
Mizukage: What happened?
mizukage: apa yang terjadi?
Ao: I was caught in the enemy's jutsu...I couldn't control my body and would have died had you not saved me.
ao: saya tertangkap jutsu musuh.. saya tak bs mengendalikan tubuh saya dan akan mati jika kau tak menolongku
In that moment Ao, as a puppet was thrown at the sickle, the Mizukage saved him.
mizukage menyelamatkan ao
Chojuro: This place was really dangerous.
chojuro: tempat ini sangat berbahaya
Mizukage: To lose the ability to control your body, this type of debilitating jutsu, it's...
mizukage: menghilangkan kemampuan mengendalikan tubuh.. ini jutsu..
Ao: ... from the same family line as the Shintenshin no jutsu.
ao: jutsu sejenis Shintenshin no jutsu
Chojuro: Even as a senior sensor type, we were worried we wouldn't make it in time.
chojuro: walau tipe sensor elit, kita ragu tak bisa berhasil kali ini
Ao: I'm sorry to have worried you...
ao: maaf saya mengjkhawatirkanmu
Mizukage: ... that right eye...they were after the Byakugan.
mizukage: mata kana... mereka mengincar byakuugan
Ao: I was almost done in...forgive me...do you think you can untie my hands now?
ao: saya hampir selesai. maaf... bisa melepaskan tanganku sekarang?
Mizukage unties Ao: Eh...I'll undo your right eye's jutsu too.
mizukage melepaskan ao:saya juga akan membatalkan jutsu matamu juga
Ao: Forgive me...you really saved me.
ao: maaf saya.. kau benar2 menyelamtkan saya
Mizukage undoes the rope.
mizukage melepaskan tali pengikat ao
Chojuro, while looking at the puppet: ! What the heck is that?
chojuro melihat boneka: apa itu?
The Puppet (Ao): (It's no use!! The Shintenshin no jutsu hasn't been undone yet!!
boneka(ao):ini tak berguna Shintenshin no jutsu belum dihilangkan
Ao (Fuu): (That went well...it's convenient that the Mizukage would remove that right eye's jutsu for me...when the Byakugan is destroyed I'll cancel the Shintenshin.
ao(fu):(mizukage akan menghilangkan jutsu peindung mata byakuugan ketika saa telah menghancurkan mata byakuugan saya akan membatalkan jutsu Shintenshin )
Puppet (Ao): (...That's it! This chakra is that Konoha ninja's! He's a sensor type! When he sensed that girl following Sasuke, like me, we had that same reaction.
boneka(ao): itu dia... ini cakra ninja konoha, dia ninja tipe sensor. ketika dia merasakan karin, sama seperti saya kami bereaksi sama
Ao remembers the events from the conference.
mengingat waktu konfrensi
Puppet (Ao): (He was able to sense that the Mizukage and Chojuro were coming! He's been waiting for this!
boneka(ao): dia bisa merasakan mizukage dan chojuro datang... dia menunggu saat2 ini
Mizukage: Alright, here we go!
mizukage: baiklah kita mulai
Ao (Fuu) still tied up: ?
ao(fu): masih terikat: ?
Mizukage: Lend me HirameKarei Chojuro.
mizukage: pinjam aku pedang hiramekarei chojuro
Chojuro: ?
Mizukage: You aren't Ao are you...Even I can't undo the jutsu of that right eye...Ao knows this very well. And the real Ao wouldn't have apologized like that toward Chojuro.
mizukage: kau bukan ao kan?ao tau saya tak bisa membatalkan jutsu pelindung byaakugan. dan ao takkan minta maaf pada chojuro
Ao (Fuu): ...my cover's been blown huh...you cunning hag.
ao(fu): penyamaran saya terbongkar
Mizukage hits Ao.
mizukage memukul ao
Ao, collapsed: W-was it something I said...
ao: apa yg telah saya katakan..
Mizukage: Hm, it seems he's back to normal now.
mizukage: tampaknya dia telah kembali normal
Chojuro: Good thing she used the side of Hiramekarei.
chojuro: bagus, dia menggunakan sisi hiramekarei
Danzo's line.
Fuu's jutsu undone, he awakens on Torune's back.
jutsu fuu hilang dia kembali ke tubuhnya diyg di gendong torune
Danzo: How was it?
danzo: bagaimana?
Fuu: Sorry...it ended in failure.
fu: maaf gagal
Naruto, intently.
Sai in front of Naruto.
sai muncul di depan naruto
Kakashi: It's a bunshin...
kakashi: itu bunshin
Naruto: Sai...why did you...
naruto: sai... kenapa
Sai: Earlier, what Sakura was telling you. I will tell you what she could not.
sai: sebelumnya apa yg telah dikatakan padamu. saya akan mengatakan apa yg tak bisa dikatakan sakura
Naruto: ? ...is this for real?
naruto: benarkah?
Hachi was reclaimed safely...!! And Sai, moving independently, informs Naruto...!?
hachibi diselamatkan.... dan sai bergerak sendiri, memeberi tahu naruto...? kita tunggu jumat besok
The End.