Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 464; Sasuke Dikeroyok Tim Raikage dan Tim Gaara, Kekuatan Kegelapan Sasuke sangat Besar!
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Translated by: Shounensuki
464: The Power of Darkness
464: kekuatan kegelapan
Part One
bagian 1
Sasuke collapses
sasuke roboh
He holds his left eye
sasuke memegang mata kirinya
Raikage: "Guillotine Drop!!" (義雷沈怒雷斧, "Righteous Lightning Sinking Anger Lightning Ax"; a kick)
raikage:"Guillotine Drop!!"
From around the collapsed Sasuke's surroundings, fire-covored bones appear
Dari sekitar Sasuke yang roboh, tulang berapi muncul
Sasuke:"Flame Release: Kagutsuchi" (炎遁・加具土命, Enton: Kagutsuchi; Kagutsuchi isa God of Fire in Shinto and the one who brought death into the world byburning his mother Izanami to death as she gave birth to him)
sasuke:"Flame Release: Kagutsuchi"
It seems the Raikage's kick is stopped~~
sepertinya tendangan raikage terhenti
C: (That guy's still...)
shi:"dia masih..."
Karin: (Sasuke~!!) She's sensing chakra?
The Raikage's kick is~~~ stopped by sand
tendangan raikage dihentikan pasir
Sasuke: "!!"
Raikage: (Sand!!)
Sasuke: "This is...!!"
Samurai: "!"
C: "!"
semua terkejut
Gaara is standing there
gaara sudah ada disana
Sasuke stands up: "Sabaku no Gaara..."
sasuke berdiri:"gaara..."
Temari uses her fan: "Sickle Weasel Technique!!" (鎌イタチの術, Kamaitachi no Jutsu)
temari menggunakan kipasnya:"Sickle Weasel Technique!!"
Kankuroupicks up the [burning] samurai like a puppet and removes the blackflames (underneath the samurai armour is an ordinary person.)
kankurou melepaskan jubah samurai yang terbakar amaterasu sehingga dia selamat
Kankurou: "These are inextinguishable flames, is this the Amaterasu...?"
kankurou:"ini api yg tak terpadamkan, ini amaterasu?"
Gaara: "Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world. You samurai need not become victims."
gaara:"samurai, mundur. ini masalah dunia ninja. kalian samurai tak seharusnya jadi korban"
Samurai, holding the burned samurai: "Ex... excuse us Kazekage-dono..."
samurai memegang kawannya yg selamat dari amaterasu:"maaf kazekage"
Despite still being stuck [to a wall] by a sword, Suigetsu is watching
masih terjebak ke dinding dengan pedang, Suigetsu memperhatikan:"apa yang terjadi?"
"...What's happening?"
Raikage: "Why this intrusion Kazekage!? I may forgive you, depending on your answer!!"
raikage:"kenapa campur tangan ini gaara?saya mungkin memaafkanmu tergantung jawabanmu"
Gaara:"If you used that technique like this, your body would become injuredby the black flames. Besides, I would like to talk to Uchiha Sasuke"
gaara:"jika kau menggunakn teknik seperti itu, tubuhmu akan terluka oleh api hitam, lagian saya mau bicara dengan sasuke"
Raikage: "Hmpf!"
Using his right hand, the Raikage cuts off his left hand. His left hand keeps burning.
menggunakan tangan kanan, raikage memotong tangan kirinya. tangan kirinya tetap terbakar
Part Two
bagian dua
Darui: "Bo-boss!!"
darui:"tuan raikage!"
Raikage: "C, hurry up and stop the bleeding! As soon as you're done, I'm going after Sasuke again!!"
raikage:"shi, cepat hentikan pendarahaanya sebisamu saya akan melawan sasuke lagi"
C: "Yes sir"
shi:"ya tuan"
Ctreats the Raikage's arm (He was able to touch the Raikage-sama whileclad in the Raiton Armour... He took two big moves, yet he stilllives... His left eye has Amaterasu... and it seems there's no doubthis right eye has the power to transform the shape of the Amaterasu'sblack flames... Perhaps Bee really has caught by Sasuke... The ShinobiWorld... could it be there is more in store for it...?)
shi memeriksa lengan Raikage(Dia mampu menyentuh Raikage saatraikage terbungkus dalam Raiton Armour ... Dia mengambil dua langkah besar,namun dia masih hidup ... mata kirinya punya Amaterasu ... dantampaknya tidak ada keraguan mata kanannya memiliki kekuatan untukmengubah bentuk kobaran api hitam Amaterasu ... Mungkin killer Bee benar-benartelah tertangkap oleh Sasuke ... dunia ninja ... mungkinkah masih adalagi...?)
Gaara: "Your eyes are the same as before..."
gaara:"matamu sama dengan sebelumnya"
Sasuke, still with his left closed, remembers a conversation with the old Gaara
sasuke dengan mata kiri tertutup mengingat percakapan terakhirnya dengan gaara dulu
OldGaara: (I expected you to say that... You have the same eyes as mine...Eyes filled with intent to kill and power-seeking hatred... The same asI... Eyes that are aching to kill the people that drove you into thehell called loneliness)
gaara dulu:"(Aku berharap kau mengatakan itu ... kau memiliki mata yang samadenganku ... Mata yang penuh dengan maksud untuk membunuh dankekuatan-mencari kebencian ... Sama seperti saya. .. Mata yang sakituntuk membunuh orang-orang yang membuatmu masuk ke dalam neraka yangdisebut kesepian)"
Sasuke: "..."
Gaara: "...Even ifrevenge is what you live for, I feel it won't resolve anything. Thereis still time for you... In the world of a person obsessed withhatred... there is no refuge... There won't be a place to come home to"
Gaara: "... Bahkan jika balas dendam adalah untuk apa kau hidup, akumerasa itu tidak akan menyelesaikan apa-apa. Masih ada waktu untukmu... Dalam dunia orang terobsesi dengan kebencian ... tidak adaperlindungan. .. tidak akan ada tempat untuk pulang ke rumah"
Sasuke: "If I did return home... what would be there [for me]?"
sasuke:"jika saya kembali pulang apa yang akan terjadi padaku?"
Kankurou:"Gaara... stop this... Didn't even Naruto fail at persuading him? Thatguy's now nothing more than an Akatsuki, a criminal... He's differentfrom you"
Kankurou:"Gaara... hentikan... bukankah naruto pun tak bisa menasehatinya? dia sekarang tak lebih dari anggota Akatsuki, seorang kriminal... dia berbeda denganmu"
Temari: "Besides, people who were hurt by the Akatsuki...people like the Raikage won't be silent. From the point he attacked themeeting of the Five Kage, he became internationally wanted... There isno future for this guy"
Temari: "lagipula, orang2 disakiti Akatsuki...orang seperti Raikage takkan tinggal diam. sejak dari penyerangannya ke pertemuan Kage, dia telah menjadi buruan internasinal...tak ada masa depan bagi pria ini"
Gaara: "...Sasuke, you are similar to me...A person who walks in the darkness of the world... That's why even justa tiny glimmer of hope should get though to you... In the past... aswell as now..."
Gaara: "...Sasuke, kau sama denganku... seorang yang berjalan di kegelapan dunia...Itu sebabnya bahkan hanya secercah harapan kecil harus kau raih ... Di masa lalu ... dan juga sekarang ..."
Sasuke: "I closed my eyes long ago... For my goals, I have to be in darkness"
Sasuke: "saya telah lama menutup mata saya... untuk mencapai tujuan saya harus dalam kegelapan"
Kankurou: "Don't let your personal feelings blind you... You're the Kazekage"
Kankurou: "jangan biarkan perasaan pribadimu membutakanmu.. ... kau adalah Kazekage"
Temari: "Gaara"
Sand comes out of Gaara's gourd
Pasir keluar dari labu gaara
One tear flows from Gaara's eye "Yes... I understand!"
satu butir airmata gaara jatuh:"ya saya mengerti!"
Kankurou, Temari, and Gaara prepare for battle
kankurou, temari dan gaara bersiap bertarung
Bones surround Sasuke's body
rangka besar tulang membungkus sasuke
Part Three
bagian tiga
A picture of the place of the meeting
gambar tempat pertemuan
Karin: (I found it! Danzou's there too! I have to tell Sasuke immediately! But... near him is nothing but powerful chakra)
Karin:(saya menemukannya! Danzou di sana juga! Aku harus memberitahu Sasukesegera! Tapi ... di dekatnya cakra yg besar)
Fuu: "!" (As I thought, there's a sensing type)
Fuu: "!" (seperti saya duga ada ninja tipe sensor)
Fuuwhispers in Danzou's ear: "It seems there's a sensing type among theenemy. It's possible they could come here sooner or later. What shouldwe do?"
Fuu berbisik di telinga Danzou: "Tampaknya ada tipe perasa di di antaramusuh. mungkin mereka akan datang ke sini, cepat atau lambat.Apa yang harus kita lakukan?"
Danzou: "It's all right as it is... If those guys come here, we'll take advantage of the chaos and go somewhere else"
Danzou:"Tidak apa-apa karena ... Jika orang-orang datang ke sini, kita akanmengambil keuntungan dari kekacauan dan pergi ke tempat lain"
Ao:"Stop that sneaky conversation! Too bad, but I'm a sensing type too. Ialso know this place has been found by the enemy. However, by no meanswill you guys make a move. We'll deal with the enemy"
Ao: "Hentikan percakapan licik itu! Sayang sekali, tapi aku juga tipe perasa. Saya juga tahu tempat ini telah ditemukan oleh musuh. Namundemikian, tidak berarti kalian akan bergerak. Kita akan menangani musuh
Tsuchikage: (It looks like this conversation turned rather interesting)
Tsuchikage: (Ini terlihat sepertinya pembicaraan akan menarik)
From the shadow of a pillar, Kurotsuchi is watching Sasuke's fight (A-awesome...)
Dari bayang-bayang pilar, Kurotsuchi(pengawal tsuchikage) menonton pertarungan Sasuke (luar biasa. ..)
Gaara fights while protecting Kankurou and Temari with sand
sambil bertarung Gaara sekaligus melindungi Kankurou dan Temari dengan pasir
Sasuke: "So you can guard against the Enton all this way. Your absolute defence is in good shape"
Sasuke: "Jadi, kau bisa menjaga terhadap Enton dengan cara ini. pertahananmu dalam bentuk yg bagus"
[sama dengan di bawah]
Final Part
Surrounding Sasuke is Susanoo
disekeliling sasuke adalah susanoo
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"
sasuke:"gaara ini pertahanan absolute dibalik pertahanan milikmu"
Raikage: "Is that what he used to guard against my attack...?"
raikage:"itu perlindungan yang dipakai dari seranganku?"
C: (This chakra... It's the same as that genjutsu before...!)
shi:"cakra ini... sama dengan genjutsu sebelumnya"
Suigetsu: "What's this... This is getting dangerous..."
suigetsu:"apa ini... ini semakin berbahaya..."
Juugo is buried under a wall: "Uhh..." (Is that... what he said he wanted to try out!?)
juugo tertimbun di balik dinding
Karin: (...This chakra... He's no longer the Sasuke from before... He's beyond cold...!!)
karin:"cakra ini... dia bukan lagi sasuke tadi.. dia sangat dingin"
The samurai are waiting and watching from the shadow of a pillar: "What... is that?"
samurai menunggu dan melihat dari balik dinding"apa itu?"
Gaara: "The power... of darkness...?"
gaara:"kekuatan kegelapan?"
Sasuke: "The power obtained only by those who activated the Mangekyou in both eyes... The third power... This is 'Susanoo' "
sasuke:"Kekuatan diperoleh hanya oleh mereka yang mengaktifkan Mangekyou di kedua mata ... Kekuatan ketiga ... Ini adalah 'Susanoo'"
Sasuke's darkness is far too powerful!!
kekuatan kegelapan sasuke sangat kuat
The end!! Bye~☆
Being this powerful, if Sasuke doesn't weaken at some point, Naruto will never win...
dengan kekuatan ini, dan tak lemah disuatu sisi naruto takkan pernah bisa menang...
by: vered, Shounensuki - NF
Translations from Pages Above:
translate dari halaman atas
Page 1:
halaman 1
Kankurou: These are inextinguishable flames... or should I say "Amaterasu"
kankurou:"ini api yang tak terpadamkan... atau amaterasu"
Gaara: "Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world." "You samurai need not become victims."
gaara:"samurai, mundur. ini masalah dunia ninja. kalian samurai tak seharusnya jadi korban"
Samurai 1: Ex... excuse us Kazekage-dono...
samurai 1:"ma.. maaf kazekage..."
Samurai 2: Uuh...
samurai 2:"uuhh..."
Suigetsu: What happened?
suigetsu:"apa yang terjadi?"
Page 2:
halaman 2:
Gaara: "Yes......" "I understand!"
gaara:"ya... saya mengerti!"
Page 3:
halaman 3:
Raikage: "Done yet C?"
raikage:"sudah selesai shi?"
C: "Just a little more!"
shi:"sedikit lagi"
Darui: "Let's combine our forces Sand-group" "I'll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!"
darui:"mari kita gabungkan kekutan kita grup pasir, saya akan menyerang pertama!kau setelahnya dan tetap hujani dengan serangan"
Kankurou: "All right!"
Darui: "Storm Release: Laser Circus!!"
darui:"Storm Release: Laser Circus!!"
Temari: "Scythe Weasel!!"
Temari: "Scythe Weasel!!"
Kankurou: "Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!"
Kankurou: "Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!"
Gaara: "Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle!!"
Gaara: "Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle!!"
Page 4:
halaman 4:
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"
Sasuke: "Gaara... ini sebuah pertahanan mutlak diluarmu"
dibawah penjelasan tekniknya
Storm Release: Laser Circus (嵐遁・勵挫鎖苛素, Ranton: Reizā Sākasu).
Likewith the techniques of the Raikage and Killer Bee, this technique is anEnglish phrase written in kanji. The kanji would literally mean"Encouraging Crushing Chain Tormenting Principle". That is, if all thekanji I used were correct, it's a bit difficult to see
Scythe Weasel (大鎌いたち, Ookamaitachi).
Temari'sother techniques are Kamaitachi (カマイタチ, Sickle Weasel; a legendarycreature who rides on the wind, giving people cuts. She also summonsone) and Daikamaitachi (大カマイタチ, Great Sickle Weasel). For her newtechnique, the "dai" and "kama" were merged to form "ookama," theJapanese word for scythe (which is basically a large sickle).
Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle )赤秘技・機々三角, Akahigi: Kiki Sankaku).
The"[colour] Secret Technique" is a standard prefix for puppetrytechniques. "Red Secret Technique" has been used before by Sasori forhis "Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets". The"kiki" part comes from Kankurou's earlier technique "Black SecretTechnique: Machinery One-Shot".
Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle (連弾・砂時雨, Rendan Suna Shigure).
Rendanis the same as in the "Uzumaki Naruto Rendan" and usually refers to acombo piano piece, but literally means "connected or successive shots".Suna Shigure is the name of one of Gaara's earlier techniques.