Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 456; Tim Kakashi vs ROOTS, Naruto keluar dari Desa menemui RAIKAGE

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Credits Nja/vered NF

Read Naruto 457 Discussion


Thefirst part says something about Danzou using a swift attack from hismouth to chop his enemies, by using the sharingan to calculate theenemies movement
Bagian pertama mengatakan tentang danzo mengeluarkan serangan cepat dari mulutnya untuk memotong musuhnya, dengan menggunakan sharingan untuk mengetahui gerakan musuh

switches to naruto:
pindah ke naruto

i cant perfectly makethis one out, but it says something about yamato and kakashi watchingsome root members secretely with a mokuton technique
saya tak yakin dengan(translate) ini, tapi ini tentang yamato dan kakashi melihat anggota root secara rahasia dengan teknik mokuton

switches to the mizukage:
pindah ke mizukage

the seven swordsman dude has a pair of swords called "hiramekarei", they stop at an inn or something
pria yang anggota seven swordsman punya sepasang pedang yang bernama hiramekarei, mereka berhenti di semacam penginapan

switches to the tsuchikage:
pindah ke Tsuchikage:

the tsuchikage is concerned that the meeting place of the kages isnt patrolled heavily enough
tsuchikage khawatir tempat pertemuan kage tak cukup di amankan

switches to kazekage:
pindah ke kazekage

gaara already reached his destination or is almost there
gaar sudah hampir tiba di tempat tujuan

switches to samuis team:
pindah ke team samui

kakashi, yamato and narato are apparently following them secretely
kakashi, yamato dan naruto secara sembunyi2 mengikuti mereka

the last part is possibly about team kakashi being noticed and being attacked..
bagian akhir kira-kira tentang tim kakashi yang di serang

Additional information - NF:
informasi tambahan

cant quite put my finger on it, but i think its some root members trying to stop naruto from leaving the village.
gak jelas tapi kira-kira anggota root mencoba mencegah naruto meninggalkan desa

i can see "root" in there definitely but i cant translate the rest accordingly, doesnt make that much sense.
saya tak melihat kata root tapi saya yakin itu

i really cant say for sure.

the last part also says something about the origins of the raikage (apparently yamato talked to kakashi about him)
bagian akhir juga bercerita tentang asal raikage(yamato bercerita pada kakashi)

Small note is the single line with the Tsuchikage saying there won't be shinobi on duty should be:
catatan kecil: tsuchikage bicara seharusnya tempat pertemuan dijaga smurai bukan ninja.

He says that it will be samurai, and not shinobi, who'll be the ones securing the location

And I believe it's literally named Taisouken* Hiramekarei** for Choujuurou's katana

*Great Twin Blades

*left eye flounder and right-eye flounder (a type of fish)

Credits: Nja/Nightjumper NF

Danzouswiftly ends the battle.(Looks like there's a seal/mark likeKamaitachi's(Temari's weasel summon) connected to his mouth[unsure] Theenemy gets chopped up)
danzo mengakhiri serangan dengan cepat.(sepertinya ada segel seperti weasel summon temari yang terhubung dengan mulutnya dan memotong musuh)

Danzou uses the Sharingan to calculate the number of enemies and ends the battle swiftly. Scene change to Naruto
danzo menggunakan sharingan untuk menghitung jumlah musuh dan mengakhiri serangan dengan cepat. sken beralih ke naruto

Kakashi puts the Root ninja tailing Sai to sleep with a Genjutsu.
kakashi membuat anggota root yang mengikuti sai tertidur dengan genjutsu

(Naruto and Konohamaru uses Oiroke no Jutsu to distract two of them, so they are taken out with a simple Jutsu.)
naruto dan konohamaru menggunakan jutsu sexy mengejutkan mereka sehingga mudah dilumpuhkan

Sai: You won't be able to have faith in me, won't you?(It's almost like he's betraying the Root a second time)
sai: kau takkan bisa mempercayaiku kan? ini sudah seperti dia mengkhianati root untuk kedua kalinya

Kakashi: You're already part of Team Kakashi! [I/We] believe in you!
kakashi: kau sudah bagian dari tim kakashi. kami mempercayaimu

[Sai] immediately smiles
sai langsung tersenyum

The Mizukage & co. are staying at an inn.
mizukage dan pengawal menginap di penginapan

That seven swordsman guy has a pair of swords, Hiramekarai
anak yang anggota seven swordsman punya sepasang pedang "hiramekarai"

The Tsuchikage & co. are camping
tsuchikage dan pengawal berkemah

The Tsuchikage informs his company of the site of the summit.
tsuchikage memberi info tempat pertemuan pada pengawalnya

He says something about the aren't shinobi on guard duty there, so they'll wait for the others, or something.
dia bilang tempat itu tak dijaga ninja jadi sia akan menunggu kage lain atau sesuatu

The Kazekage heads straight for the summit site.
kazekage sudah berada di tempat pertemuan

Back to Samui & co. A clone of Yamato is tailing them back to the Raikage.
tim samui di buntuti tim kakashi yang kembali ke raikage

Naruto and Kakashi are following them.
naruto dan kakasi mengikuti mereka

It ends with a place below[Or something. The kanji is 下所, meaning "below place"]
nja menjelaskan kalau ada pertarungan dengan root lagi

[Nja explains how the fight with the root ninja went again]


by: boyakist4649 - MH

Some more translations:

This sword of the Seven Swordsmen is called Daisouken HirameKarei (Giant Dipole/Dual Sword - SoleFlounder)

The shinobi are not on security, but rather bladesmen/samurai are on security
tak ada ninja menjaga tapi ada satria berpedang/samurai yang menjaga [mungkinkah anggota seven swordsman lainnya?]

Aboutthe Oirokeno Justu - the two 'Ne' that were monitoring Sai - wereapparently distracted by this Oiroke-battle between Naruto andKonohamaru, and that is when Kakashi easily puts a Genjutsu on them.
naruto dan konoha maru mengejutkan dengan jutsu sexy maka kakashi dengan mudah menyerang dengan genjutsunya.

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