Spoiler RAW Komik Naruto 443; Nagato menyerah? [UNCONFIRMED]

Status:UNCONFIRMED Spoiler

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Status: Prediction

"Naruto plunges into Pain with the Rasengan"

Pain: - Gaaahh!

Pain: aarrgg..(terkena rasengan)

Nagato: - *cough cough* ahggg...!

Nagato: hugghh hughh...(batuk darah lagi)

"Naruto and Pain hits the ground and slides into a block standing 5 meters away, the crash crumples the stone."

Naruto dan Pain terlempar 5 meter. Hempasan itu menghancurkan batu.

"Asthe stones falls to the ground and the dust settles out of the rumble ashadow arises. Naruto, his shoulders hanging towards his sides andblood running from a wound in his chin lets his head fall back inexhaustion... His cloth are torn and covered in dirt from thecollition. He looks up towards the sky, it's so blue. He looks backdown towards Pain. Pain lies incapacitated on the ground, a big woundin his chest and his arms broken. Blood is pouring from his mouth."

Darah mengalir dari luka di kening naruto, pakaian nya kotor sekali. dia melihat ke langit biru, lalu melihat ke arah pain yahiko yang terluka besar di dadanya dan lengannya patah. darah mengalir dari mulutnya.

Naruto: - What's your name? Your real name.

Naruto: siapa namamu?nama aslimu?

At Hinata:

"Sakura looks tired"

Sakura kelihatan lelah sekali

Sakura: - There...I've done what I can. Let me see Pa...

Sakura: Sya telah selesai dengan hinata. biar saya liat forg pa..

Neji: - Will she be alright!?

Neji: apakah hinata akan baik-baik saja?

Sakura: -Yes Neji..yes...It was a close call though.

Sakura: Ya neji,

Neji: - Hinata...why did you....

Neji: Hainata kenapa kamu melakukan ini

"Sakura walks over to Pa"

Sakura berjalan ke arah frog pa

Ma: - It's to late Sakura.....he is gone...

Frog Ma: sudah terlambat sakura... frog pa telah meninggal

"Ma starts crying. Sakura looks sad"

Frogma menangisi frogpa. sakura kelihatan sedih

Sakura: - I'm sorry Ma...I was to late.

Sakura: maafkan saya frogma saya terlambat..

Ma:- It's not your fault Sakura...we were not prepared to handle Pain. Itis our misjudgment that made this reality.....and Naruto still fightsfor us..

[ADUH GTG mau keluar dulu...]
Frog ma: ini bukan salahmu sakura.. kami tak bersiap menghadapi pain.ini kesalahan kami yang yg salah perkiraan sehingga ini terjadi.. dan naruto masih bertarung untuk kami

"Neji looks towards Naruto and exclaims"

Neji melihat dengan byakugan nya

Neji: - It seems that Naruto have defeated his opponent!

Neji: sepertinya naruto berhasil mengalahkan musuhnya

Ma: - !! He did it! Did you hear that Pa! He did good...He is the destined child after all, you would be so proud..

Frog ma: dia berhasil!apakah kau mendengarnya frogpa?dia melakukannya dengan baik... dia adalah anak yang ditakdirkan, kamu harus bangga...

"Ma starts crying into Pa:s chest"

Frogma berehnti menangis

At Naruto:

"Pain looks up towards Naruto, Naruto is standing in the light of the sun"

Pain melihat ke arah naruto, naruto berdiri di cahaya matahari

"Nagato see this Naruto through the eyes of Yahiko and his own eyes widen"

Nagato melihat naruto melalui mata yahiko dan terbelalak

Nagato: - The...destined child....

Nagato: anak yang ditakdirkan...

Konan: - What's happening Nagato!?

Konan: apa yang terjadi nagato?

Nagato: - He....he has defeated us...utterly.

Nagato: dia mengalahkan kita

Nagato through Yahiko: - You have won this battle Naruto. My name is Nagato, this body is Yahiko.

Nagato melalui yahiko: kamu memenangkan pertarungan ini naruto. namaku adalah nagato, ini adalah tubuh yahiko

"Naruto looks towards the location of Nagato then back at Yahiko"

naruto melihat ke lokasi nagato

Naruto : - I want to talk to you, the real you..Nagato.

Naruto: saya mau bicara dengan kamu nagato

Nagato: - If you wish to speak you have to come to me, you know where I am. Bring Yahikos body as a sign of trust.

Nagato: jika kamu mau bicara datanglah padaku, kamu tahu aku dimana. bawa mayat yahiko sebagai tanda kepercayaannmu

"Naruto flinches and become more serious"

Naruto menjadi serius

Naruto: - Trust?...I don't know what will go down or if we will fight. All I know is that I must speak to you.

kepercayaan? saya tak yahu kita akan bagaimana. yang kutahu kita harus bicara

"Naruto seems to be in deep thought"

Nagato: - That is fine for now, I ask you to bring Yahiko then, as a favor, even if you owe me nothing.

nagato:tidak apa-apa saya minta kamu membawa yahiko.

"Yahiko's eyes turn normal and his body turns limb. Naruto stands silent for awhile."

Mata yahiko normal kembali dan naruto berdiri diam sebentar

Narutothinks: Jirayia, Father, Kakashi...Pa... is this what you mean? I'mstarting to find my answers....but....I can't forget about you....whathe has done.... I must be prepared.

Naruto berfikir: jiraiya,ayah,kakashi frog pa inikah maksudmu?saya mulai mencari jawaban tapi aku tak bisa melupakanmu, apa yang telah dilakukannya saya harus bersiap-siap

"Naruto sits down, andmeditate, pondering all he has learned....loosing his physical self inthought, becoming still and gathering Natural energies."

Naruto lalu bermeditasi dan merapal mode sage

"Naruto awakes, stands up, walk over to Yahiko, picks him up and Jumps of"

Naruto bangun mengambil yahiko dan segera menuju tempat persembunyian nagato

"Yousee Naruto jumping through the air towards Nagato from the side. Theone that is looking is Madara. He is standing on a tree branch very faraway, his eye focused on the location of Naruto."

Naruto melompat ke arah persembunyian nagato di dahan kayu madara melihat naruto.

Madara tohimself: - The nine tail was suppressed it seems...but he did not dothat alone, I felt it...he had help. This has become interesting indeed.

Madara: ekor 9 tampaknya masih bertahan.. tapi dia tak sendiri, saya merasakan dia dibantu.ini semakin menarik saja

"Narutolands in front of the place where Nagato sits. He doesn't see Nagatobecause of Konana cover. Naruto puts down Yahikos body and as he standsup again, zoom into his eyes, he is in Sage mode again. He glares righttowards the spot Nagato and Konan is They both feel the power of hisresolution"

Naruto tiba di depan tempat nagato tapi dia tak melihat nagato karena dilindungi jutsu kertas konan. dia meletakkan yahiko dan melihat dimana nagato. konan dan nagato merasakannya.

Naruto: - Reveal yourself!

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