[Updated] Komik Naruto 439 Spoiler RAW; Naruto Kyuubi ekor 8, Yondaime Muncul!

Image oleh mas siciex007

Sebenarnya foto diatas dah dikasih mas sociex007 tapi karena banyak komentar masuk jadi dah ilang di halaman dua daftar komentar. neh saya buat posting lagi.

Nagato is using Chibaku Tensei

Nagato menggunakan CHIBAKU TENSEI

Konan stops [him?].[She tells him to stop, maybe?]

Konan menghentikannya[dia berkata untuk berhenti pada nagato *mungkin]

Nagato coughs up blood, "Shut up for a bit, *****", and concentrates.

Nagato batuk darah lagi, "Diamlah sebentar..." lalu kembali berkonsentrasi

KN chases Pain.

Their conversation is nothing but "GUWOOOOOOOOO""

[This next line talks something about the ground, orbs, KN and capture]

(That's what [i] think Chibaku is)

Nagato: Regardless, the capture of Kyuubi is successful.

Kyuubi berhasil ditangkap

Naruto asks himself about peace.

Naruto menanya pada diri sendiri tentang kedamaian

Kyuubi: Unfasten the seal! Entrust your mind completely to me!

Kyuubi: Buka segelnya dan percayakan pikiranmu padaku

The seal on Naruto's belly is out of place? Naruto is bleeding from his belly.

Yamato: Eight! This is bad! This is REALLY bad!!

EKOR DELAPAN!ini buruk,sangat buruk!

Naruto tries to take off the seal on the cage, and then Yondaime appears

Naruto berusaha membuka SEGEL di kandang kyuubi tapi tiba-tiba YONDAIME muncul!

Kyuubi: You!!!

Kyuubi: kamuu...(pada yondaime)

Naruto: Yondaime...Hokage...

Yondaime... Hokage...

Yondaime: Imade the seal such that when it's on the brink of being released Iwould appear in your mind. Though I don't want this to happen, becauseI don't want to see you again...Kyuubi. But I'm glad to see my grown upson...so things even out.

Saya lah yang menciptakan segel ini dan bila coba di lepas saya akan muncul di pikiranmu. saya tak ingin ini terjadi karena saya tak mau melihatmu lagi kyuubi! tapi saya senang sekali melihat anak saya tumbuh besar...

by: Yasha and Serenity NF