Upload file FLV dengan PHP tidak jalan
Pusing neh, lagi buat script PHP buat upload file. nah kalo buat file image sih dah berhasil. tapi mau upload file *.flv neh. coba tanya2 ke senior-senior di PHP tapi pada gak ol. coba cari di om google dapat bule yang dapat masalah sama:
FLV files not working when uploaded using php script
imtrying to upload flv files the files work fine when uploading using ftpbut when uploading through a form files get corrupted. well they don'tstream anymore. it basicly seems like they don't have any metadata inthem anymore.
PHP Code:
$nameoffile = $newid . basename($_FILES['File']['name']);$uploadfile = 'videos/'.$nameoffile.'';move_uploaded_file($_FILES['File']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);
the flv player im using is from here
Is there a better method to upload files? or am i doing something wrong?
Note: The files off the site play fine on zoom player.
yang ada solusi silahkan isi shoutbox aja, napa shoutbox?soalnya captcha security code komentar saya lagi error ga tau aja tiba2 error entah hostingnya ato scriptnya, tapi maren2 baik2 aja. heran juga.
oke sip