Wajib Nonton! Video Paling Menginspirasi Hari Ini, Kisah Perjalanan Mualaf Ali yang Menginspirasi
Kisah yang snagat menginspirasi betapa pentingnya DAKWAH ISLAM, jangan pede semua orang tau Islam. masih banyak yang tidak tahu dan tidak pernah mendengar tentang Islam. Kewajiban kita menyampikan Islam selanjutnya kita serahkan pada Allah SWT. Kewajiban kita hanya menyampikan, hidayah milik Allah SWT. lihat youtube https://www.youtube.com/@malikiclique
Brother Ali, yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga Kristen Evangelis di California, mengalami perjalanan menuju Islam dengan cara yang tak terduga. Sejak kecil, ia memiliki keyakinan kuat pada Tuhan, tetapi selalu merasa terganggu oleh kontradiksi dalam ajaran Kristen. Kehidupannya sempat terombang-ambing, terutama setelah masa kecil yang penuh tantangan. Titik balik terjadi saat ia harus menjalani hukuman penjara, di mana ia bertemu seorang tahanan Muslim bernama Omar. Melalui bimbingan Omar dan hadiah berupa Al-Quran, Ali mulai tertarik mempelajari Islam.
Ketika melihat kerendahan hati dan kebersamaan dalam shalat, Ali merasakan kebangkitan spiritual yang mendalam. Pengalaman tersebut akhirnya membawanya untuk memeluk Islam, yang ia yakini sebagai jawaban atas pencariannya akan kebenaran dan ketenangan batin.
Perjalanan Menuju Iman: Kisah Seorang Mualaf yang Ditemukan di Penjara
Mereka mengirim saya ke Penjara Keamanan Maksimum terburuk di negara bagian Washington. Saya memperhatikan seorang pria yang selalu melihat saya; dia tampak seperti pria kulit putih dengan kumis panjang. Suatu hari, dia berdiri dan berjalan langsung ke arah saya. Saya bersiap-siap dan berpikir, "Baiklah, ini dia," tetapi akhirnya saya berbalik dan pria itu berkata, "Whoa, santai, tidak ada yang seperti itu." Dia lalu berkata, "Bagaimana kalau saya mengajakmu ke Shalat Jumat?" Imam mulai melantunkan Al-Quran, dan saya pindah ke barisan depan untuk melihat dengan lebih jelas. Saya melihat pria-pria berbadan kekar, besar, tetapi ketika mereka berada di depan Sang Pencipta, mereka menjadi rendah hati. Hati saya terbuka ketika mereka bersujud. Itulah momen ketika saya berkata, "Omar, saya ingin menjadi seorang Muslim hari ini."
Nama saya Ali, saya berusia 51 tahun, lahir dan besar di California Selatan, dan sekarang tinggal di Kota Oklahoma. Saya dibesarkan sebagai seorang Kristen Evangelis selama 19 tahun pertama hidup saya, tetapi saya memeluk Islam 32 tahun yang lalu pada tahun 1991. Saya seorang pengemudi truk, dan di sela-sela waktu saya, saya memiliki kanal di TikTok bernama Maliki Clique dengan sekitar 372.000 pengikut, di mana saya berdakwah. Tujuan utama saya dengan kanal ini adalah mengajak umat Muslim untuk kembali pada Islam karena banyak yang merasa tidak layak dengan Islam karena telah menjauh darinya. Saya ingin mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa Allah Maha Pengampun.
Bagaimana kehidupan Anda dalam hal iman?
Saya percaya pada Kristen dan pada Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Anak Tuhan, seperti cara saya dibesarkan. Suatu ketika, orang tua saya bercerai ketika saya masih berusia satu tahun. Saya tinggal bersama ibu, tetapi saat liburan musim panas, saya mengunjungi ayah saya, dan dia mengatakan bahwa kami akan pergi ke gereja. Bersama ibu saya, kami jarang pergi ke gereja, mungkin hanya pada hari Natal atau Paskah. Namun, kali ini berbeda. Ayah saya mengatakan bahwa dia telah menyerahkan hidupnya pada Kristus dan berbicara tentang keselamatan dan darah Yesus. Saya, sebagai anak 7 tahun, tidak benar-benar memahami apa yang dia bicarakan. Saat kami tiba di gereja, bahkan sebelum masuk, saya mendengar teriakan, musik keras, dan tangisan dari dalam gereja, yang membuat saya ketakutan.
Ayah saya menjelaskan bahwa itu adalah cara orang-orang berdoa, tetapi sebagai anak kecil, saya tetap tidak memahami. Saya selalu percaya pada Tuhan, tetapi saat membaca Alkitab, saya menemukan ayat-ayat yang tampak bertentangan, terutama tentang Tuhan yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh manusia dan hidup, namun Yakub dalam Alkitab digambarkan bertemu dan bergulat dengan Tuhan.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, saya mulai hidup tanpa agama yang pasti. Saya percaya pada Tuhan tetapi tidak pada konsep Kristen seperti Trinitas atau Yesus sebagai Tuhan. Akibatnya, hidup saya menjadi hampa tanpa arah, hingga saya bergaul dengan orang-orang yang tidak baik, yang kemudian membawa saya pada kejahatan yang tidak saya butuhkan.
Pada usia 19, saya ditangkap setelah terlibat dalam perampokan bersenjata yang tidak benar-benar saya butuhkan, karena saya memiliki pekerjaan dan uang di rekening bank saya. Namun, hidup saya terasa kosong tanpa tujuan, dan saya melakukannya untuk mencari sensasi. Akhirnya, saya dijatuhi hukuman 8-10 tahun di penjara Keamanan Maksimum di penjara Washington.
Di penjara, seorang pria bernama Omar memperkenalkan saya pada Islam. Dia memberikan saya Al-Quran dan menjelaskan maknanya dengan sangat hati-hati. Ketika saya mulai membaca Al-Quran, saya merasa terpesona dengan bahasanya yang begitu berbeda dari Alkitab, sangat dalam dan bermakna. Omar kemudian mengundang saya untuk menghadiri Shalat Jumat bersama komunitas Muslim di penjara, dan pengalaman melihat umat Muslim beribadah dengan penuh kerendahan hati dan kesungguhan sangat mempengaruhi hati saya.
they sent me to the worst Maximum Security Prison in the state of Washington I noticed the guy always looking at me he appeared to be a white guy he had a long mustache stands up and he's walking straight towards me and I'm like okay here we go and finally I just turned and I the guy says Whoa whoa whoa Noam Alay and I said what and he says look man how about if I invite you to Juma the IM started reciting the Quran and so what I did was I went to the front row I did this and I saw musclebound men huge
men but when they were in front of their creator they became humble when did Allah open my heart it is when they made suud that was it that was it I said Omar I will become a Muslim today [Music] Brother Ali also known as Malik thank you so much for accepting our invitation we are very happy to have you with us and thank you for hosting us I'm to start by asking who is Brother Ali can you tell us briefly about your life uh my name is Ali I'm 51 years old I was born and raised in Southern California
and we live here in Oklahoma City right now and um I was raised an Evangelical Christian for the first 19 years of my life I became a Muslim 32 years ago in 1991 and uh I'm a truck driver and what I do on the side is I have a channel a Tik Tok Channel called Maliki click and I have about 372,000 people that are following me I do dawa there my number one thing that I want to do with my channel is to bring Muslims back to Islam because a lot of people they don't think that they're worthy of Islam
because they have strayed away from it and I'm telling them know Allah Allah is merciful so come back even if you're you know not praying or you're not living the lifestyle that you're supposed to come back it's okay how was your life in regards to Faith I believed in Christianity and in Jesus as uh being God and the Son of God because I was that's the way I was raised what was the thing that made you question your beliefs so I guess I should begin at the beginning of my Evangelical Journey so what happened was my parents got a
divorce when I was one years old they were very young so I used to live with my mother so one summer I was visiting my father and he said we're going to go to church well with my mother we never went to church maybe Christmas maybe Easter twice uh a year or something was going bad in our lives we would go to church right so this time was different when I visited my dad he told me that he had given his life to Christ and that's something that i' never heard of my life what do you mean giving your life to
Christ and he talked he started talking about the blood of Jesus and I'm saved and this and and and I'm seven years old I'm a seven-year-old boy thinking what is he talking about and so my father was like let me show you what I'm talking about so we went to the church and even before we got inside of the church we were right side right outside of the door and I heard screaming and yelling and music and crying I actually ran out of the church I said this is scaring me there's no way I can be a part of this
so my father chased after me no no no this is you know and he kind of broke it down to me what they're doing but me as a 7-year-old I never understood it I always believed in God since day one I have never had a moment in my life of hm what if there was never a God I have never had that problem in my heart I'm reading the Bible and I'm reading a particular verse about Jacob where Jacob says the first verse that I read was no man can see God and live after that and I'm thinking but people call Jesus God
and they all saw Jesus and no one died looking at Jesus so the verse was no man can look at God and live after I turned the page to another verse another story of Jacob not only does Jacob see God he is wrestling god he is has in a wrestling match has God by the thigh and says to God I will not let you go until you bless me okay wait a minute you just said that if you even see God that no man can live after that okay so why is Jacob living after that and why does God have a form that you can hold on to and
why can't God being all powerful pull away from Jacob The Story Goes On so what did I do 14-year-old me raised my hand the pastor came over and said how can I help you I showed him the two verses and his reaction was hm I didn't even know that that was in the Bible and I said I kind of what but you're the Bible Pastor you're you're the one that's supposed to be teaching us the Bible and as a 14-year-old boy I was I asked him how do I Rectify this how do I make sense of this how do I live and Believe As a Christian after reading
this contradic and then how did your life go afterwards and how did your journey towards Islam begin I moved away from my father's house back with my mother and what that meant is virtually no religion do whatever you want basically what happened afterwards is I just floated through life believing in God but not in Christianity not in the Trinity not in Jesus being God or the Son of God and I just floated and I got around a group of bad people uh I was just wandering aimlessly I had no moral Compass because
no religion could or Christianity in particular could not prove itself so I just held on to that I guess you could call it monotheism without Direction without a compass that's how I existed so I got around these people and I was 19 years old and one night we were doing things that we were not supposed to be doing and one of my uh so-called friends said I know a place that we can Rob so everybody get their pistols and let's go now important thing to remember here is I had a job I had money in my account I
didn't need to steal but there was something missing in my life there was no God in my life there was no structure in my life is what I want to say and I did it if somebody asked me why did you do the robbery the armed robbery I'll tell you excitement because I was empty there was nothing in me I had nobody telling me there was no consequences there was no belief I was barely hanging on and so we did the robbery and 24 hours later we were arrested I have never been arrested or spent a day in jail my whole life as towards eternity
we need your support we are a charity organization that aims to spread the message of Islam to the entire world in 10 languages with your support you can help people convert to Islam give up harams start praying wear hijab learn to read the Quran and so on and get your share from all these Good Deeds insh donate to towards eternity and don't miss this golden opportunity I didn't have a pistol I didn't have a gun I didn't hold anybody hostage or point a gun or anything all I did was uh transport uh the computers the jewelry
the money into the car and so the lawyer came to me and said you're looking at about 8 to 10 years what's what are you talking about Maximum Security Prison 8 to 10 years I walked around with Outlaws with animals with beasts and I was myself a beast I just didn't care anymore I just needed something in my life to fill it they sent me to the Gladiator School the Worst Maximum Security Prison in the state of Washington the name of that prison was wala wala so the day that I got into wala wala I was scared I was 19 years
old I had never been to jail in my life I didn't know the jail culture I was lost there's super Max and then there's Maxim in security right underneath that the super max is for terrorists and you know serial killers and stuff like that so they put me in Maximum Security Prison and waa Wala so the first day I got to prison the white Aryan Brotherhood that's a prison gang came up to me and said well you look white to me are you full white and I said me like maybe I had one or two white friends most of them were Filipino or Black Or
Hispanic that question was strange to me but I answered yeah I'm full white sure he said okay and so he had three other guys with him and he took my my blankets and my towels and carried everything for me to my cell and made an announcement as we walked down the tier he's with us you know there's there's a there's a new white guy going down that he's this guy's with us okay to let them the other people know so I I carried on uh for months and months I was asked if uh I wanted to go to church I said no do you
want a Bible I said no I found myself reading about other religions I read about Judaism I read about Hinduism for about 5 minutes I read a book and I just said this is the No No Way fast forward uh I would say six seven eight months I'm walking the yard by myself which is a very dangerous thing to do kept on walking the you know for for weeks this happened I noticed a guy always looking at me he appeared to be a white guy he had a long mustache he appeared to be white but he was sitting with black
people he would always look at me and I seriously thought that he had a problem with me I seriously thought that we were going to have problems so one day I'm walking around the track and that same person stands up off of the tables in the yard looking at me the whole time he's got about five African-American people with him behind him and he's walking straight towards me and I'm like okay here we go this is how it happen happens I'm going to get jumped they got a problem with me and I've always
promised my mother so they went straight for me all the way until they got about 10 yards from me and finally I just turned and I I squared up cuz I knew it was going to happen the guy says Whoa whoa whoa whoaa no nothing like thatum and I said what and he looked behind him and he and he finally you know okay this doesn't look good I have people behind me musclebound men behind me and we're just charging one one man and he said uh I just like to talk to you for a minute and I said well as long as it's with you alone yeah and he said
my bad that that looks wrong and we approach you wrong we apologize that's our bad and so we we walked the track together and I learned that his name was Omar and that he was from tury and so okay you're the first person that I've met from turkey and he said what do you know about Islam and I had absolutely no clue what that word is and I even told them Islam how do you say that in English he said uh Islam is a religion I said said oh I didn't know that he made dawa to me about what uh Islam was and
we talked and we talked and we talked and finally one day he brought a book and he and it was wrapped up in a towel and he said kind of sternly he said look man I'm going to give you a book but you have to make sure that you keep it clean and you don't disrespect it you don't put it on the ground okay do I have your word because I'm going to give you a book I said sure Omar what's the book and he uncovered it and it was a blue Quran with gold writing and he said this is a gift from me to you this is now
your Quran and I wrapped it up and I said well thank you Omar thank you so much I went back to my cell and I opened this book and the first thing that I did is I went to the index and I looked for names Moses Jesus appeared Abraham Isaac Joseph Jacob all of these and my first intuition was oh God it's just like the Bible and if it's just like the Bible it's not true it's going to have these contradictions it's the same people it's the oh man what Omar was saying was good and now I don't know so I opened the
Quran and I read the story the first chapter that I opened up wasman and I read it and I just the language the delivery of the Quran was so unique to me and I just thought the way this book is worded is amazing and so I read the Quran and I read the Quran and so what the third day I really got into the Quran like this is I was committed to reading it for hours and so what happened was my cellmate said hey man hey aren't you going to dinner I said dinner I was look up from my Quran I said dinner and he said yeah you've been
reading that book since breakfast are you going to eat or no I said yeah I probably should I closed the Quran and I went and I just thought I'm really into this book why why this is this is not Christianity but it's saying kind of the same thing what's going on weeks past maybe even 2 or 3 months Omar approaches me and he says look man how about if I invitees you to Juma and I said Omar Juma I have no idea what you're talking about yeah Juma this is Sunday prayer you know that okay for the Muslims it's
on Friday do you want to come and so I said sure I'm going to have to fly a kite which is permission from the commanding officer to participate in that so I did I wrote a kite I would like to attend Juma services not more than a couple hours after my uh request to go to Juma the CEO wanted to see me personally and I said okay what's this all about So I entered the office of the CEO and he held up my request is this you did you make this request I looked at it and I said yeah it sure is you want to go to Juma with the blacks I
said whether they're black Hispanic Asian yes I would like to see what they do their methodology their how they worship yes it wasn't strange to me to want to go and know other cultures and people ever in my life so he said look man I'm going to be honest with you if you want to go and be with these and he called them inwords if you want to go and be with these people people just know one thing when they jump you and when they beat you up we're not going to protect you I'm not going to send my guards in there for you if you want to
be with these inwords and I just said yeah regardless I want to go he just signed it and said your funeral here you go go to Juma I had never been afraid of black people or or any people especially religious people I just wanted to know so as a Christian my first time to Juma was as a Christian not a Muslim and so here I am a white guy surrounded with black people and one Turkish guy uh who had been making daa to me for months and the first thing that I experienced in jum was the Adan and the first time that
I heard the Adan it just it it it hit me it hit my heart and I turned to Omar and I said Omar what is this beautiful song that this man is singing and he said not a song it's the call of prayer and so he uh basically translated what he said and I was just like so beautiful so beautiful he said hey let me let me show you about what we do uh we're going to make woodoo so he taught me how to make woodoo and I made woodoo as a Christian just get the whole experience right so I made woodoo as a Christian as a mushrik
and uh I sat down with with Omar and so we we listened to the and it came time for us to pray and so so so Omar said listen sit over to the side we're going to pray and I said wait a minute before I have some questions when you guys pray you said that the em M stays in the front and he reads the Quran does he read from the book does he face you and he reads to the book reads to the people he said no this IM has memorized the Quran all of it and I said Omar that book like this thick that you gave me he's memorized the whole
thing he said yeah and millions of people Muslims have memorized it from 7 years old 10 years old 12 years old women men everybody and I just thought W and everything went through through my mind these people are different they are calling us to the prayer in a beautiful melodic voice these people are have washed them their hands their elbow their arms their face their feet before they worship God we never did that how come we didn't do that as Christians how come we didn't have like a you know why
why did we have guitars and drums and singing inside of the inside of the church why couldn't we have this this is beautiful and it always felt organic to me normal as a matter of fact as a Christian attending jamaa I felt so at home while not being a Muslim at the same time and so Omar said listen okay stand over here or sit over here we're going to line up in in rows and we're going to pray and then we'll talk after if you have any questions you can do that I said perfect they began to pray the Imam started reciting the Quran and
I just again I just thought he's not only reading he's reciting these people have loved each other and called each other to prayer but if anybody wants to know Ali what turned your heart when did it happen how did it happen why did it happen easy I'll tell you with all of this known that I mentioned before the Adan the memorizing of the Quran you know all of these things the thing that impressed me the most the thing that switched my heart I got up from my place I probably shouldn't have he told me to
stay there but I was there for the experience I wanted everything and so what I did was I went to the front row and I did this I looked down the first row of the prayer because I wanted to see if it was real is it real with these people how do they look when they worship and I saw musclebound men huge men but when they were in front of their their creator they became humble and all of that hardness was gone eyes were lowered in complete humility to their creator and I just I stood there like this and looked at them I said but again
if anybody wants to know the moment when did Allah open my heart it is when they made suud when they made suud and I saw them called the Adan wash themselves recite the Holy Quran become humble and then put their face on the ground that was it that was it that was the moment where I said these people are not normal and I have never in my life seen worship of God until now today they have done everything from like I said the reciting the and then they're worshiping that's it I said Omar I have to become a Muslim
today and you are just going to have to I I don't know if there's any other white Muslims on the planet but today you're going to make an exception for me I'm not leaving here except if you teach me how to be a Muslim I will become a Muslim today that I didn't know that there was other white Muslims on the planet I I I thought it was for you know cuz all I saw was black people and one Turkish guy I didn't know Islam at all and he himself put his his head down and began to cry Omar and he said Subhan Allah Subhan
Allah of course you can become a Muslim and so on that day J 1991 I said and I was a Muslim so how did you feel when you took your shahada can you take us to those moments it was it was surreal it was not only a Brotherhood it was as if I was with God for the first time in my life like really with God like really in the presence of God really a part of something real that was worshiping God right here this moment this is why I was born this is why I'm supposed to be alive to be a Muslim how did you tell
your parents about this that you reverted to Islam what was the reaction it wasn't good I called my father like I always did in prison and I told him that I had become a Muslim and my father remember he's super Christian and super strict he said you did what and I said I have become Muslim you worship the moon God and I no I I don't worship a moon God or the moon or I worship one God the god of Jesus the god of Moses and Abraham and he said no you don't no you you you you've listen you're on this
Islam and he said an expc explic and he told me made him he said look you know your sixf figure income uh your sixf figure inheritance that's going to be gone the things that you're going to inherit after me gone my family is in the petroleum uh industry so very well off and I said you're going to disown me he said after today if you insist upon this Islam religion you are dead to me your all your inheritance gone and he said Son don't test me I will go to my lawyer tomorrow and have him change the
will and you will be completely peniles you will have no income whatsoever nothing from me you will be dead to me dead to your brothers and your sister you're done so choose the words that you say very carefully now will you leave Islam or will you stay in this fake religion and I said before I answer dad let me tell you something I will obey you in everything except this one thing and he said why before you're dead to me explain to me why and I said dad I have to make my own decision there's something more than a six figure
inheritance there's something more than inheriting property there's something more after this life and I don't care about this life so when it comes to matters of Salvation you can keep your money give it to my brothers my sister give it to charity I don't care I have to insist that I become a Muslim and remain a Muslim and here I am 32 years later a Muslim alhamdulillah so after that I insisted upon becoming a Muslim and staying a Muslim uh I got a letter in the mail about 2 weeks later he had
done exactly that he had gone to his lawyer the amount that I was set to inherit was $600,000 and that was back in the early '90s so it was a sizable chunk of money so why would I put a price tag on I don't care if it was $600 million look you and I are going to be put in a in a in a grave and we're going to be in front of Allah subhana tala the one the irresistible and we are going to be you know question about what we did in life and what about your mother and brothers and sister so um my mother uh didn't
understand but she was supportive when the whole of my family disowned me and they disowned me for 15 years 15 years nobody talked to me except my mother I actually lived with my mother after I got out of prison uh for a couple months so when I got out of prison I went to the the mjid for the first time like a real m not in prison so the first person that came in was the IM I told them about my family uh I told them about the inheritance I told them about everything what I didn't know is there was two brothers from Saudi Arabia
that were behind us listening to the whole story and my life was just I didn't know my place as a Muslim as a white American Muslim I didn't because being a white American Muslim back then was not common the days before 9/11 and uh two of these brothers one is khed and the other is ABD Rahman both of them approached me and said we would be honored if you would take your stuff we have your own room with us at our house You Can Be Our Guest you will not touch your wallet you will be under full expense of us we will take care of you
you will we will do teach you Islam everything and I said sure okay and so I moved in with Khaled and ABD they taught me Islam they let me live long story short a year later I got on my my own feet and I got my own apartment khed and ABD went back to Saudi Arabia and when they went back to Saudi Arabia someone said do you know who these two were and I said yeah khed and abdan no he said but do you know who they are and I said what are you talking about these two people that you've been living with for
a year are from the prophet sallallahu alai wasallam family and you have been a guest of bait basically and you've lived with them and you learned your Islam from them and I had no idea that i' had been living with them but they were the most polite uh the most concerning people the most uh compassionate people that I've ever met to this date in my life and I was living with him the whole time and that was just to me a gift from Allah but that I didn't know until later so after becoming Muslim what other
contradictions you found in Christianity I mean the biggest contradiction is the Bible itself the whole thing why the Christian AA if you will says that you must confess with your tongue that Jesus Christ died for your sins and you will be forgiven Jesus and the Bible it says nobody can attain Paradise or the kingdom of God except through me except through Jesus okay but there's a problem many of the prophets in fact 99.9% of the prophets existed before Jesus so they could never know what he was saying his so-called AKA of
uh you have to profess that I will die for your sins I wonder as a Muslim and an an ex-christian really guys how can you believe what you believe honestly would you give Islam a chance would you just as a human being as somebody that is a a a son of Adam um somebody who is interested in the truth you don't have to practice Islam you don't have to be a Muslim but won't you learn about what who we are won't you learn about what Islam is won't you listen to us and the answer is usually no like I said they
don't want to know when we came to our house we saw a really old Bible in the corner can you tell us why did you buy that this Bible I bought it in an antique store it's from roughly uh I think 1825 or 1836 between that area and the first thing about this Bible that I noticed was the first page this is a map of Palestine it's it's a map of Palestine not Israel which is very very interesting also was very interesting as I perused you know the the verses one of my favorite verses is Matthew 7: 21- 23 and some of the verses
were gone they're just not there anymore I look for them and they're just not there what are these verses all about this verse is about Matthew 7 verses 21 many will say to me on that and this is Jesus talking and this is another huge Point uh about Christianity and this is Jesus speaking many will say unto me on that day Lord Lord calling him God Jesus speaking Lord Lord we used to pray in your name in the name of Jesus we used to work miracles in your name and we used to cast out demons in your name in
the name of Jesus not God what does Jesus say get away from me you evil do you Lawless people you workers of iniquity get away from me this is Jesus on the day of judgment disowning his own people why because they didn't worship God they did everything in the name of Jesus the Christians have an response for this and the Christians say but wait a minute this is talking about false prophets you mean like Paul the the the one that invented Christianity you mean Paul right when you say false Christians
but it's interesting that Jesus said you workers of lawlessness but if if you're praying in the name of Jesus and you are doing miracles in the name of Jesus and casting out demons in the name of Jesus and Jesus is still saying you are Lawless you broke my law how are you calling me God why are you praying in my name there is no Partners between here ye Israel the Lord your God is one not three in one not one in three not father H son Holy Spirit why does Christianity have to be so mysterious and confusing
the Jews say here ye isra the Lord your God is one the Muslims say the Christians say Jesus said I am that I am why doesn't Jesus in the Bible say I am God worship me I am the one I am Jesus worship me it never happens but like I said to you before this interview the more you read this book the more it is impossible to be a Christian and call yourself a follower of Jesus peace be upon Him impossible and what about the relationship with your father how did he start talking to you after my I I I don't even know if if we still
talk it's it's hard to answer this question when people ask me we talk but there's nothing there my family just doesn't want to see me alhamdulillah the sahabas they went through the same thing that's fine it's rough it's hard it would be better it would be more uh nice if I could have my family uh especially you know financial difficulties that I've had in the past it would have been nice but it's also nicer to depend on Allah tala and the two billion people that I call my brothers and sisters in
Islam after seeing your story and your posts on Tik Tok has anyone been inspired and became Muslim many people on Tik Tok well I've been Muslim for 32 years on Tik Tok I've brought six people to Islam um one of those six people brought 125 people to Islam his his name is Rob and he uh I he took a shahada interesting story about him I was doing a live stream on Tik Tok doing just what I we were talking about and my brother Rob uh and this is why I kind of want to talk about this this is why it's so
important how you act with people he came on my live stream as a non-muslim and the first words out of his mouth is you know I've been watching you and this is even on my YouTube channel you can watch it first words out of his mouth you know I've been watching you what did I tell you brothers and sisters Everybody is watching you right what I didn't know is is that my brother Rob that came by chance not by chance Allah was meant to be was going to kill himself the same night as per his own story he made a video as well going to
kill himself and he just went on the da Mission and brought 125 people to Islam in the period of 6 months if you given a chance to pray that you know it would be accepted what would you pray for a prayer that I do uh almost every single day oh Allah give Victory to the Palestinian people oh Allah let us come together on beneficial knowledge but mostly for the Palestinian people for the weager people for every Muslim that is oppressed all over the world I ask that allaha relieve them not only relieve
them but give them victory over their oppressors and the tyrants that are over them that's that's what I would wish for have you seen Prophet Muhammad Alat wasam in your dream twice really alhamdulillah and am I dream I was walking uh on the sand in a windy path with rock all above me and I looked to my knee level and I saw a footprint and I said how strange that there's a footprint in the stone and I said out loud in the dream who put this here whose footprint is there and I heard a voice behind me say this is the
footprint of your father Abraham and I said my father's name is not Abraham he said the prophet Abraham and I turned around and Subhan Allah there he was s alaihi wasallam and right before I got to him I wanted to fall on my knees and and hug him but they uh the dream ended so I uh woke up from that dream longing to see him again in my dream and uh many years later I did and uh I was in the desert and I saw in the distance he took my hand and he said I want you to meet other people and he sat down and I sat
down right next to him and I and then he said now look here is Abu Bakr sik and he said and over here is Omar and this is bin aan and this is Ali bin Abu Talib and they all love you and I just thought in the dream why do they love me I'm nobody why do they love me but alhamdulillah that was one of the best dreams that I've had in my life I I love you I love you brother Ali thank you so much for sharing your story we learned a lot from you and we got really inspired from you z may Allah reward you for all your efforts for this
te well yeah I mean thank you for having me it was an honor oh [Music]