Download Semua Decryptor Gratis Ransomware Untuk Mengembalikan File Terenkripsi Ransomware
PENTING! Sebelum mengunduh dan memulai solusi, bacalah panduan cara penggunaannya. Pastikan Anda menghapus malware dari sistem Anda terlebih dahulu, jika tidak, malware tersebut akan terus-menerus mengunci sistem Anda atau mengenkripsi file. Solusi antivirus yang andal dapat melakukan ini untuk Anda.
Download decryptor berikut untuk mengembalikan file yang kena ransomware777 Ransom, AES_NI Ransom, Agent.iih Ransom, Akira Ransom, Alcatraz Ransom, Alpha Ransom, Amnesia Ransom, Amnesia2 Ransom, Annabelle Ransom, AstraLocker Ransom, AtomSilo Ransom, Aura Ransom, Aurora Ransom, AutoIt Ransom, AutoLocky Ransom, Avaddon Ransom, Avest Ransom, BTCWare Ransom, Babuk Ransom, BadBlock Ransom, BarRax Ransom, Bart Ransom, Bianlian Ransom, BigBobRoss Ransom, Bitcryptor Ransom, BlackBasta Ransom, CERBER V1 Ransom, Chaos Ransom, CheckMail7 Ransom, Chernolocker Ransom, Chimera Ransom, Coinvault Ransom, Cry128 Ransom, Cry9 Ransom, CryCryptor Ransom, CrySIS Ransom, Cryakl Ransom, Crybola Ransom, Crypt32 Ransom, Crypt888 Ransom, CryptON Ransom, CryptXXX V1 Ransom, CryptXXX V2 Ransom, CryptXXX V3 Ransom, CryptXXX V4 Ransom, CryptXXX V5 Ransom, CryptoMix Ransom, Cryptokluchen Ransom, Cyborg Ransom, DXXD Ransom, Daivol ransomware Ransom, Damage Ransom, Darkside Ransom, Democry Ransom, Derialock Ransom, Dharma Ransom, DragonCyber Ransom, ElvisPresley Ransom, EncrypTile Ransom, Everbe 1.0 Ransom, FONIX Ransom, FenixLocker Ransom, FilesLocker v1 and v2 Ransom, FortuneCrypt Ransom, Fury Ransom, GalactiCryper Ransom, GandCrab (V1, V4 and V5 up to V5.2 versions) Ransom, GetCrypt Ransom, Globe Ransom, Globe/Purge Ransom, Globe2 Ransom, Globe3 Ransom, GlobeImposter Ransom, GoGoogle Ransom, Gomasom Ransom, HKCrypt Ransom, Hakbit Ransom, HermeticRansom Ransom, HiddenTear Ransom, HildaCrypt Ransom, Hive (v1 to v4) Ransom, Iams00rry Ransom, InsaneCrypt Ransom, Iwanttits Ransom, JSWorm 2.0 Ransom, JSWorm 4.0 Ransom, Jaff Ransom, JavaLocker Ransom, Jigsaw Ransom, Judge Ransom, Kokokrypt Ransom, LECHIFFRE Ransom, LambdaLocker Ransom, Lamer Ransom, Linux.Encoder.1 Ransom, Linux.Encoder.3 Ransom, LockFile Ransom, Lockbit 3.0 Ransom, LockerGoga Ransom, Loocipher Ransom, Lorenz Ransom, Lortok Ransom, MacRansom Ransom, MafiaWare666 Ransom, Magniber Ransom, Mapo Ransom, Marlboro Ransom, Marsjoke aka Polyglot Ransom, Maze / Sekhmet / Egregor Ransom, MegaCortex Ransom, MegaLocker Ransom, Merry X-Mas Ransom, MirCop Ransom, Mira Ransom, Mole Ransom, Muhstik Ransom, Nemty Ransom, Nemucod Ransom, NemucodAES Ransom, Nmoreira Ransom, NoWay Ransom, Noobcrypt Ransom, Onyx2 Ransom, Ouroboros Ransom, Ozozalocker Ransom, Paradise Ransom, Pewcrypt Ransom, Philadelphia Ransom, Planetary Ransom, Pletor Ransom, Plutocrypt Ransom, Popcorn Ransom, Professeur Ransom, Prometheus Ransom, Puma Ransom, Pylocky Ransom, RAGNAROK Ransom, REvil/Sodinokibi Ransom, Ragnar Ransom, Rakhni Ransom, RanHassan Ransom, Rannoh Ransom, Ransomwared Ransom, RedRum Ransom, Rhysida Ransom, Rotor Ransom, SNSLocker Ransom, Shade Ransom, SimpleLocker Ransom, Simplocker Ransom, Solidbit Ransom, SpartCrypt Ransom, Stampado Ransom, SynAck Ransom, Syrk Ransom, TargetCompany Ransom, Tarrak ransomware Ransom, Teamxrat/Xpan Ransom, TeslaCrypt V1 Ransom, TeslaCrypt V2 Ransom, TeslaCrypt V3 Ransom, TeslaCrypt V4 Ransom, Thanatos Ransom, ThunderX Ransom, Trustezeb Ransom, TurkStatic Ransom, VCRYPTOR Ransom, WannaCryFake Ransom, Wildfire Ransom, XData Ransom, XORBAT Ransom, XORIST Ransom, Yatron Ransom, ZQ Ransom, ZeroFucks Ransom, Ziggy Ransom, Zorab Ransom, djvu Ransom
777 Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by 777 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
AES_NI Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AES_NI Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
AES_NI Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AES_NI Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Agent.iih Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Agent.iih Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Akira Ransom
Akira Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Akira Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kisa
Alcatraz Ransom
Alcatraz Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Alcatraz Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Alpha Ransom
Alphadecrypter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Alpha Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
Amnesia Ransom
Amnesia Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Amnesia Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Amnesia2 Ransom
Amnesia2 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Amnesia2 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Annabelle Ransom
BDAnnabelleDecryptTool Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Annabelle Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
StupidDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Annabelle Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
AstraLocker Ransom
AstraLocker Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AstraLocker Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
AtomSilo Ransom
AtomSilo Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AtomSilo Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Aura Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Aura Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Aurora Ransom
Aurora Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Aurora Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
Aurora Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Aurora Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
AutoIt Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AutoIt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AutoIt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
AutoLocky Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by AutoLocky Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Avaddon Ransom
BDAvaddonDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Avaddon Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
BDAvaddonDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Avaddon Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Avest Ransom
Avest Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Avest Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
BTCWare Ransom
BTCWare Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BTCWare Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Babuk Ransom
Babuk ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Babuk Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
BadBlock Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BadBlock Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
BarRax Ransom
BarRax Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BarRax Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Check Point
Bart Ransom
Bart Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Bart Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Bart Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Bart Ransom.
Tool made by Bitdefender
Bianlian Ransom
Bianlian Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Bianlian Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
BigBobRoss Ransom
Bigbobross fix Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BigBobRoss Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
BigBobRoss Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BigBobRoss Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Bitcryptor Ransom
Coinvault Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Bitcryptor Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
BlackBasta Ransom
BlackBasta Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by BlackBasta Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by SR Labs
CERBER V1 Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CERBER V1 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Chaos Ransom
Chaos Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Chaos Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Truesec
CheckMail7 Ransom
Checkmail7 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CheckMail7 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Chernolocker Ransom
Chernolocker Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Chernolocker Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Chimera Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Chimera Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Chimera Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Coinvault Ransom
Coinvault Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Coinvault Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Cry128 Ransom
Cry128 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Cry128 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Cry9 Ransom
Cry9 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Cry9 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
CryCryptor Ransom
CryDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryCryptor Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Decrypts files with extensions extensions such as ".SpartCrypt[]-[ID-].Encrypted" and ".CoronaCrypt[]-[ID-].Encrypted"
Tool made by ESET
CrySIS Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CrySIS Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CrySIS Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Cryakl Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Cryakl Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Crybola Ransom
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Crybola Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Crypt32 Ransom
Crypt32 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Crypt32 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Crypt888 Ransom
Crypt888 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Crypt888 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
CryptON Ransom
Crypton Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptON Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
CryptXXX V1 Ransom
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V1 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V1 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
CryptXXX V2 Ransom
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V2 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V2 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
CryptXXX V3 Ransom
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V3 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V3 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
CryptXXX V4 Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V4 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
CryptXXX V5 Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptXXX V5 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
CryptoMix Ransom
CryptoMix Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptoMix Ransom.
Tool made by CERT-PL
CryptoMix Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by CryptoMix Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Cryptokluchen Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Cryptokluchen Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Cyborg Ransom
Cyborg Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Cyborg Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
DXXD Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by DXXD Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Daivol ransomware Ransom
Daivol ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Daivol ransomware Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Damage Ransom
Damage Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Damage Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Darkside Ransom
Darkside Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Darkside Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
Democry Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Democry Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Derialock Ransom
StupidDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Derialock Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
Dharma Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Dharma Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
DragonCyber Ransom
Jigsaw Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by DragonCyber Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Decrypt files with the following extensions: .fun, .badutclowns, .gdpr, .kkk, .btc, .gws, .porno, .pornoransom, .payransom, .paybtcs, .AFD, .payms, .paymst, .pays, .paym, .paymrss, .payrms, .paymts, .paymds, .paymrts, .epic, .xyz, .versiegelt, .encrypted, .payrmts, .locked, .hush, .paytounlock,, .gefickt, .jey,, .To unlock your files send 0.15 Bitcoins to 1P67AghL2mNLbgxLM19oJYXgsJxyLfcYiz within 24 hours 0.20 after 24 hours, .I'WANT MONEY, .crypte, .lckd, .getrekt, .Contact_TarineOZA@Gmail.com_, .PAY, .die, .ice, .beep, .ram, .tax, .lost, .R3K7M9, .ghost, .sux, .Crypto, .rat, .kill, .korea, .afc, .pabluklocker, .pablukCRYPT, .pabluk300CrYpT!, .ini, .game, .##ENCRYPTED_BY_pablukl0cker##, .FUCKMEDADDY, .CryptWalker, .LOCKED_BY_pablukl0cker, .#, .justice,, .Bitconnect, .jes, .email-[].koreaGame, .retarted, .LolSec, .leeZ, .lok, .hac, .booknish, .PICOWARE, .sbsh, .choda,, .##___POLICJA!!!___TEN_PLIK_ZOSTAu0141_ZABLOKOWANY!!!___, .FuckED, .Black007, .tedcrypt, .dat,, .lockedgood, .pleaseCallQQ, .FuckedByGhost, .LOCKED_PAY, .locked_by_mR_Anonymous(TZ_HACKERS), .data, .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello, .venom, .YOLO, .pennywise, .paycoin, .MOMO, Contact Hacked by Z3b1 your ID [MI0985547KE] .locked, .GodbuntuLockIt, .NDGHacks, .tranzilap, .exe, .math, .zemblax| also extension .dc (for DragonCyber), .ElvisPresley, .rar, .enc, and .Professeur
Tool made by Emsisoft
ElvisPresley Ransom
Jigsaw Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by ElvisPresley Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Decrypt files with the following extensions: .fun, .badutclowns, .gdpr, .kkk, .btc, .gws, .porno, .pornoransom, .payransom, .paybtcs, .AFD, .payms, .paymst, .pays, .paym, .paymrss, .payrms, .paymts, .paymds, .paymrts, .epic, .xyz, .versiegelt, .encrypted, .payrmts, .locked, .hush, .paytounlock,, .gefickt, .jey,, .To unlock your files send 0.15 Bitcoins to 1P67AghL2mNLbgxLM19oJYXgsJxyLfcYiz within 24 hours 0.20 after 24 hours, .I'WANT MONEY, .crypte, .lckd, .getrekt, .Contact_TarineOZA@Gmail.com_, .PAY, .die, .ice, .beep, .ram, .tax, .lost, .R3K7M9, .ghost, .sux, .Crypto, .rat, .kill, .korea, .afc, .pabluklocker, .pablukCRYPT, .pabluk300CrYpT!, .ini, .game, .##ENCRYPTED_BY_pablukl0cker##, .FUCKMEDADDY, .CryptWalker, .LOCKED_BY_pablukl0cker, .#, .justice,, .Bitconnect, .jes, .email-[].koreaGame, .retarted, .LolSec, .leeZ, .lok, .hac, .booknish, .PICOWARE, .sbsh, .choda,, .##___POLICJA!!!___TEN_PLIK_ZOSTAu0141_ZABLOKOWANY!!!___, .FuckED, .Black007, .tedcrypt, .dat,, .lockedgood, .pleaseCallQQ, .FuckedByGhost, .LOCKED_PAY, .locked_by_mR_Anonymous(TZ_HACKERS), .data, .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello, .venom, .YOLO, .pennywise, .paycoin, .MOMO, Contact Hacked by Z3b1 your ID [MI0985547KE] .locked, .GodbuntuLockIt, .NDGHacks, .tranzilap, .exe, .math, .zemblax| also extension .dc (for DragonCyber), .ElvisPresley, .rar, .enc, and .Professeur
Tool made by Emsisoft
EncrypTile Ransom
EncrypTile Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by EncrypTile Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Everbe 1.0 Ransom
InsaneCryptDecrypter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Everbe 1.0 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
FONIX Ransom
FONIX Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by FONIX Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
FenixLocker Ransom
FenixLocker Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by FenixLocker Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
FilesLocker v1 and v2 Ransom
FilesLockerDecrypter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by FilesLocker v1 and v2 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
FortuneCrypt Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by FortuneCrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
Fury Ransom
Rannoh Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Fury Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
GalactiCryper Ransom
GalactiCryper Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by GalactiCryper Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
GandCrab (V1, V4 and V5 up to V5.2 versions) Ransom
BDGandCrabDecryptTool Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by GandCrab (V1, V4 and V5 up to V5.2 versions) Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
GetCrypt Ransom
Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by GetCrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Globe Ransom
Globe Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Globe Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Globe/Purge Ransom
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Globe/Purge Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
Globe2 Ransom
Globe2 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Globe2 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Globe3 Ransom
Globe3 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Globe3 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
GlobeImposter Ransom
GlobeImposter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by GlobeImposter Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
GoGoogle Ransom
GoGoogle Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by GoGoogle Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bitdefender
Gomasom Ransom
Gomasom Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Gomasom Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
HKCrypt Ransom
HKCrypt Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by HKCrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Hakbit Ransom
Hakbit Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Hakbit Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
HermeticRansom Ransom
HermeticRansom Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by HermeticRansom Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
HiddenTear Ransom
HiddenTear Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by HiddenTear Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
HiddenTearDecrypter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by HiddenTear Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
HildaCrypt Ransom
hildacrypt Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by HildaCrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Hive (v1 to v4) Ransom
Hive (v1 to v4) Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Hive (v1 to v4) Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kisa
Iams00rry Ransom
Iams00rry Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Iams00rry Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
InsaneCrypt Ransom
InsaneCryptDecrypter Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by InsaneCrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
Iwanttits Ransom
Ransomwared Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Iwanttits Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
JSWorm 2.0 Ransom
JS WORM 2.0 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by JSWorm 2.0 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
JSWorm 4.0 Ransom
JSWorm 4.0 Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by JSWorm 4.0 Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Jaff Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Jaff Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Kaspersky Lab
JavaLocker Ransom
JavaLocker Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by JavaLocker Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Jigsaw Ransom
Jigsaw Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Jigsaw Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Check Point
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Jigsaw Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
StupidDecryptor Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Jigsaw Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Bleeping Computer
Jigsaw Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Jigsaw Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Decrypt files with the following extensions: .fun, .badutclowns, .gdpr, .kkk, .btc, .gws, .porno, .pornoransom, .payransom, .paybtcs, .AFD, .payms, .paymst, .pays, .paym, .paymrss, .payrms, .paymts, .paymds, .paymrts, .epic, .xyz, .versiegelt, .encrypted, .payrmts, .locked, .hush, .paytounlock,, .gefickt, .jey,, .To unlock your files send 0.15 Bitcoins to 1P67AghL2mNLbgxLM19oJYXgsJxyLfcYiz within 24 hours 0.20 after 24 hours, .I'WANT MONEY, .crypte, .lckd, .getrekt, .Contact_TarineOZA@Gmail.com_, .PAY, .die, .ice, .beep, .ram, .tax, .lost, .R3K7M9, .ghost, .sux, .Crypto, .rat, .kill, .korea, .afc, .pabluklocker, .pablukCRYPT, .pabluk300CrYpT!, .ini, .game, .##ENCRYPTED_BY_pablukl0cker##, .FUCKMEDADDY, .CryptWalker, .LOCKED_BY_pablukl0cker, .#, .justice,, .Bitconnect, .jes, .email-[].koreaGame, .retarted, .LolSec, .leeZ, .lok, .hac, .booknish, .PICOWARE, .sbsh, .choda,, .##___POLICJA!!!___TEN_PLIK_ZOSTAu0141_ZABLOKOWANY!!!___, .FuckED, .Black007, .tedcrypt, .dat,, .lockedgood, .pleaseCallQQ, .FuckedByGhost, .LOCKED_PAY, .locked_by_mR_Anonymous(TZ_HACKERS), .data, .PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello.PC-FunHACKED!-Hello, .venom, .YOLO, .pennywise, .paycoin, .MOMO, Contact Hacked by Z3b1 your ID [MI0985547KE] .locked, .GodbuntuLockIt, .NDGHacks, .tranzilap, .exe, .math, .zemblax| also extension .dc (for DragonCyber), .ElvisPresley, .rar, .enc, and .Professeur
Tool made by Emsisoft
Judge Ransom
Judge Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Judge Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Tesorion
Kokokrypt Ransom
KokoKrypt Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Kokokrypt Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Emsisoft
Trend Micro Ransomware Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by LECHIFFRE Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Trend Micro
LambdaLocker Ransom
LambdaLocker Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by LambdaLocker Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.
Tool made by Avast
Lamer Ransom
Rakhni Decryptor is designed to decrypt files encrypted by Lamer Ransom.
For more information please see thishow-to guide.