Did You Know? Tahukah Kamu? Fakta Menarik Tentang Dasar-Dasar Islam
- Islam bukan nama orang yang membawanya, bukan nama tempat lahirnya, bukan nama ras pemeluknya.
- Nama agama Islam disebut dalam kitab sucinya
- Islam disebut 70 kali dalam kitab suci alquran.
- Islam berarti "berserah diri kepada 1 Tuhan".
- penganut agama islam disebut muslim
- Nama Tuhan Allah SWT
- Hanya ada 1 Tuhan
- 1 nama, Allah SWT
- Tuhan Tidak mirip apapun
- Dalam islam hanya ada tuhan, malaikat, iblis/jin/setan, manusia, hewan, tumbuhan. tidak ada anak tuhan, ibu tuhan, bapak tuhan, kakak tuhan,dewa, dewi dll
- Nama kitab sucinya Qur'an atau Al qur'an
- Alquran secara harfiah berarti "bacaan"
- diturunkan selama +/- 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari secara acak sesuai peristiwa saat itu.
- Dihafal jutaan orang di dunia dan sebagian besar bukan arab
- Isi Alquran tidak pernah berubah sejak 1400an tahun lalu
- Setiap translate Alquran menyertakan teks asli bahasa arab
- 100% firman Tuhan, tidak ada anonim
- kalau kata-kata dan perbuatan nabi Muhammad disebut hadits
- Alqyran menggunakan bahasa asli ketika diturunkan
- ahli bahasa arab mengakui keindahan bahasa dan struktur alquran
- tidak ada kontradiksi dalam alquran
- diturunkan pada nabi yang ummi/buta huruf tidak bisa baca tulis
- Al-Qur'an mengandung banyak fakta sains yang menakjubkan, meskipun diturunkan ribuan tahun yang lalu
- Masjid disebut dalam kitab suci/alquran
- Mesjid disebut 28 kali dalam quran.
- 2 Masjid pertama, Mesjid Quba dan Masjid Nabawi dibangun sendiri oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW.
- Semua mesjid didunia menghadap 1 arah, kiblat, mekah/kaabah
- Masjid terbuka untuk semua Muslim, tanpa memandang ras, warna kulit, atau status sosial.
- nabi pembawa Islam adalah Muhammad SAW,
- Muhammad SAW adalah nabi terakhir dan sudah diberitakan di kitab-kitab suci sebelumnya(taurat, zabur, injil)
- jumlah semua nabi 120an ribu, setiap kaum ada nabinya.
- jumlah rasul 300an.
- semua nabi dan rasul mengajarkan TAUHID, menyembah 1 tuhan.
- 25 nabi/rasul disebut namanya dalam quran.
- Nabi/Rasul terakhir Muhammad SAW.
- Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak bisa membaca dan menulis
- Sebelum diangkat jadi nabi terkenal sebagai orang yang jujur, digelari al-amin
- ada stempel kenabian di antara kedua bahu
- Semua rasul adalah nabi, tetapi tidak semua nabi adalah rasul
- Nabi bisa jadi diutus untuk menyampaikan pesan atau peringatan tanpa membawa syariat
- Nabi dan rasul sama-sama menerima wahyu dari Allah SWT, namun rasul memiliki tugas tambahan untuk menyampaikan wahyu tersebut kepada umat manusia.
- Nabi umumnya diutus untuk suatu komunitas atau bangsa tertentu, sedangkan rasul diutus dengan misi yang lebih luas, sering kali kepada umat yang lebih besar atau bahkan kepada seluruh umat manusia.
- Sholat wajib 5 waktu sehari semalam.
- Nabi Muhammad menerima perintah langsung dari Allah untuk melaksanakan sholat lima waktu sehari semalam
- Perintah untuk melaksanakan sholat juga terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an
- waktu sholatmemiliki keterkaitan dengan ritme biologis tubuh manusia
- Tata cara diajarkan langsung oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW.
- Sholat merupakan bentuk ibadah langsung kepada Allah SWT tanpa perantara pemuka agama
- ada keringanan atau pengecualian dalam pelaksanaan sholat bagi mereka yang tidak mampu berdiri/duduk/tidur
- Sholat berjamaah (bersama-sama) memperkuat ikatan sosial dan komunitas Muslim
- Sebelum melaksanakan sholat, diwajibkan untuk bersuci atau wudhu
versi english:
- Islam is not the name of a person who brought it, nor the name of the place of its birth, nor the name of the race of its followers.
- The name of the religion of Islam is mentioned in its holy book.
- Islam is mentioned 70 times in the holy book, the Quran.
- Islam means "submission to 1 God".
- Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
- The name of God is Allah SWT.
- There is only 1 God.
- 1 name, Allah SWT.
- God is like nothing else.
- In Islam, there are only God, angels, devils/jinns/satans, humans, animals, plants. There are no children of God, mothers of God, fathers of God, siblings of God, gods, goddesses, etc.
- The name of its holy book is Qur'an or Al-Qur'an.
- Al-Quran literally means "recitation".
- Revealed over approximately 22 years, 2 months, 22 days randomly according to the events at that time.
- Memorized by millions of people worldwide, most of whom are not Arabs.
- The content of the Quran has never changed since 1400 years ago.
- Every translation of the Quran includes the original Arabic text.
- 100% the word of God, no anonymous author.
- If the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad are mentioned, it is called Hadith.
- Al-Quran was revealed in its original language.
- Arabic language experts acknowledge the beauty and structure of the Quran.
- There are no contradictions in the Quran.
- Revealed to a prophet who was illiterate/illiterate, unable to read or write.
- The Quran contains many amazing scientific facts, even though it was revealed thousands of years ago.
- The mosque is mentioned in the holy book/Quran.
- The word "masjid" is mentioned 28 times in the Quran.
- The first 2 mosques, Quba Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, were built by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
- All mosques in the world face one direction, the qibla, towards Mecca/Kaaba.
- Mosques are open to all Muslims, regardless of race, skin color, or social status.
- The Prophet who brought Islam is Muhammad SAW.
- Muhammad SAW is the last prophet and was foretold in previous holy books (Torah, Psalms, Gospel).
- The total number of prophets is around 120,000, with each community having its own prophet.
- The total number of messengers is around 300.
- All prophets and messengers teach Tawhid, worshipping 1 God.
- 25 prophets/messengers are mentioned by name in the Quran.
- The last Prophet/Messenger is Muhammad SAW.
- Prophet Muhammad SAW could not read or write.
- Before being appointed as a prophet, he was known as a truthful person, titled al-Amin.
- There is a seal of prophethood between his shoulders.
- All messengers are prophets, but not all prophets are messengers.
- A prophet may be sent to convey a message or warning without bringing a new law.
- Prophets and messengers both receive revelation from Allah SWT, but messengers have the additional task of conveying this revelation to humanity.
- Prophets are generally sent to a specific community or nation, while messengers are sent with a broader mission, often to a larger community or even to all of humanity.
- Prayer is obligatory 5 times a day.
- Prophet Muhammad received a direct command from Allah to perform the five daily prayers.
- The command to perform prayer is also found in the Quran.
- The timing of prayer is linked to the biological rhythm of the human body.
- The method of prayer was taught directly by Prophet Muhammad SAW.
- Prayer is a form of direct worship to Allah SWT without the intermediary of religious leaders.
- There are concessions or exceptions in the performance of prayer for those who are unable to stand/sit/lie down.
- Praying in congregation strengthens the social bonds and Muslim community.
- Before performing prayer, it is obligatory to perform ablution or wudhu.