Common English Mistakes Indonesians Make
So here's the list of the common typos or maybe appropriately stated assalah kaprahEnglish terms Indonesians make. Mungkin terasa sepele, tapi kalau didengar oleh orang-orang yang sudah fasih berbahasa Inggris dantau yang bener seperti apa, well it can be a bit annoying. Ya kita sebagai pengguna bahasa orang ya sebaiknya tidak ignorant lah buat tau yang bener kayak apa. Ini sih hasil pengamatan gue selama sekian tahun, entah bahasa lisan atau tertulis di social network dan internet
Orang Indonesia sering salah mengartikan. Kalau yang dimaksud batas pengumpulan atau tenggat waktu, ya yang bener itudeadline!
Kalau ditinjau dari segi arti kata: deadline artinyathe point in time at which something must be completed.
The word "dateline" is used today mainly to label the bit of text at the top of a printed news story that indicates where and—often, but not always—when it was written. For instance, after a headline about events in Kenya, the dateline might read "NAIROBI, Kenya, June 2, 2010."Probably because this rather obscure word has been popularized by its use for the name of an NBC television news show, some people confuse it with "deadline," which is most often the date by which something must be accomplished. You can miss deadlines, meet deadlines, or have to deal with short deadlines— but not datelines.
2.Thanks GodorThank God?
Sumpah ini sih sering bikin gemes deh kalau orang-orang bilangnya 'Thanks God'dalam sebuah kalimat misalnya, "Thanks God banget deh gue bisa dapet kerjaan itu." Mungkin istilah ini dianggap ekuivalen denganAlhamdullilahatauPuji Tuhantapi sayangnya banyak yang salah kaprah, salah pake istilah yang mana. Yang bener?Thank God!
When to use "Thank God":
"Thank God" is actually a shortened version of"Thanks be to God"which means that you are telling the others (your friends or whoever) that you are thankful to God.
"Thank God" is in the same way as"Praise God".
"Thank God" is also correct because you use "Thank" as a verbI (we) thank God.
When to use "Thanks, God":
You are praying or directly conversing with God, then you would say "Thanks, God".
"Thanks, God" should actually mean "Thank You, God" as if he were in front of you.
"Thanks" is an informal way of saying "Thank You" so highly unlikely to use "Thanks, God" to an almighty being.
Source:Thank God, or Thanks God
3.Worth itorworthed?
Hayo yang bener apa hayo? Ya worth it lah! Kata 'worthed' bahkan tidak ada, itu bikinan orang yang salah kaprah aja. Buktinya? Di kamus tidak ada kata worthed. Mungkin dari pengucapan worth it dan worthed beda tipis, tapi yang benar tetap worth it.
There is no such word as : "worthed". We can't say "worthed" as past participle of "worth" since "worth" itself is not a verb., some formal examples of how to use "worth" in sentence:
- As preposition
-- havingavalueof,orequalinvalueto,asinmoney :This laptop is worth 5 million rupee
--having property to the value or amount of :They are worth of millions- As noun
-- usefullness or importance :Your worth to the world is inestimable
3.I'm worryorI worry/I'm worried
Jadi begini rumusnya. Kalau kata sifatnya berasal dari kata kerja (misalnya worry), kalau dipasangin dengan subjek 'I am, she is, he is, atau they are' kudu banget bentuk katanya: worried. Contoh: I'm worried. Tapi kalau kata worry dipakai sebagai kata kerja jadinya I worry. Bedanya apa? Emang sih bagi orang Indonesia saya khawatir kan emang cuma 1 format, saya khawatir. Beda kalau di bahasa Inggris. I worry itu berarti saya khawatir setiap saat (khawatir sebagai keadaan yang konstan setiap saat, istilahnya begitu). Tapi kalau I'm worried itu saya khawatir detik ini, saat ini juga..satu menit lagi belum tentu masih khawatir gitu.
4.I'm boredorI'm boring?
Kalau kamu mau mengatakan, 'Gue membosankan' berarti pake yang 'I'm boring' Lain cerita kalau kamu pengen mengungkapkan: 'Gue lagi bosan.' harusnya pake yang 'I'm bored.' Jadi gak ada ceritanya: 'Eh gue lagi boring banget nih.' yang ternyata artinya. "Eh gue lagi membosankan banget nih.' Janggal kan? Haha.
5.Have a save triporHave a safe trip?
Oke save (pake ve) artinya menyelamatkan. Contoh:Superman will save the world.Nah safe (pake ef) artinya aman/selamat. Kalau kamu liat status BBM atau tweet orang-orang: 'Safeflight'artinya: semoga penerbangan kamu aman!