Blogspot/Blogger VS WordPress, Kelebihan dan kekurangannya
Saya cuman cengar cengir aja liat banyak teman yang pindah2 make blogspot ato make wordpress(soalnya ga make keduanya hehehe) tapi saya tertarik juga mencari tau kenapa teman2 yang pada dulunya di blogspot eh ko malah rame2 pindah ke WORDPRESS?!?!?! apa sih kelebihan wordpress? kalo blogspot kan .... ya tau lah nama besar GOOGLE gitu loh. tapi dari hasil pencarian saya simpulkan untuk pemula pakailah blogspot, nah yang menengah ke atas pake wordpress.(kayak tingkat kemiskinan rakyat aja:Pwekk) trus saya ko ga keduanya? heheheh saya kan dibawah pemula:P jadi buat sendiri aja.(sebenarnya alasannya ya... MALAS jadi maunya blog yang ngikutin MALAS saya, ga saya ngikutin blog gitchu... NO LOGIN, NO RIBET, ANTI BIASA pokonya dah)nah kalo mau tau perbedaan BLOGSPOT(BLOGGER) dan WORDPRESS coba baca ini:
Tahu kah Anda, bahwa di jamanteknologi yang serba canggih seperti sekarang ini untuk mempunyaisebuah Website / Blog itu tidaklah sulit. Banyak cara-cara instantuntuk memulai membuat suatu website / Blog, salah satunya Anda bisagunakan software-software gratisan yang bisa Anda download melaluiinternet ini, seperti Blogger, Wordpress dan Joomla.
Bahkanuntuk Anda yang ingin berbisnis E-Commerce atau membuka daganganmelalui World Wide Web sekalipun bisa Anda lakukan dengan mudah dansecara instant. Anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing untuk memikirakanbagaimana cara merancang database dan script pemogramannya. SoftwareE-Commerce tersebut juga bisa Anda dapat kan melalui internet inidengan gratis seperti software oCommerce dan CubeCart.
Daribeberapa software instant untuk membaut website / blog seperti di atas,tentunya ada kelebihan dan kekuranganya. Disini saya hanya inginmenjelaskan perbedaan antara Blogger dan Wordpress saja menurut versisaya, yang jelas dari kedua web service tersebut sama-sama gratis yangbisa Anda coba untuk memluai membuat sebuah website / Blog.
Berikut perbedaan antara Blogger dan Wordpress :
1.Wordpress dapat mengimport postingan yang ada pada Blogger / Blogspotsebaliknya Blogger tidah bisa mengimport postingan yang ada padaWordpress.
2. Wordpress menyediakan form komentar yang userfriendly sedangkan Blogger agak ribet untuk memberikan sebuah komentar,tapi jika Anda bisa mensettingnya tentu saja bisa user friendly
3. Blogger menyediakan menu Drag Drop yang mudah untuk di gunakan, sedangkan Wordpress sulit Drag Drop edit element halaman.
4.Blogger support Google Adsense yang mudah untuk kita gunakan pada Editelemat halaman, sedangkan Wordpress tidak mensupport Google Andsense,meskipun banyak yang menyediakan plugin google Adnsense
5.Wordpress lebih unggul dalam kasus menanggulangi spam karena telah dilengkapi dengan plugin anti spam, Sedangkan Blogger dapat di lakukandengan moderation order dari commenting systemnya.
6.Para pengguna Wordpress tergolong banyak yang sombong di bandingkandengan Blogger meskipun hanya beberapa saja, kenapa demikian? SilahkanAnda buktikan sendiri minta link Exchange ke blog Anda bukan celebrity blog sampai nangis darah pun ga bakalan dilink back. Sedangkan para pengguna Blogger senantiasa bertukeran linktelah terbukti di kolom-tutorial.
7.Apabila Anda telah mempunyai domain dan hosting sendiri softwareWordpress telah tersedia dan siap di install di cpanel Anda. SedangkanBlogger tidak tersedia disana. Tetapi Anda juga bisa menggunakan domainAnda dan hosting pada Blogger.
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WordPress or Blogspot? Which one to choose?
It depends on what would you like to do with your blog. If you want tomonetize it, probably the best idea is to have your own domain. Butlet's say that you want to try your hand at blogging about something.At this point you can very well use the hosting offered by WordPressand Google (Blogspot). It's free and you benefit of having your blogprotected via their antispam programms.
Akismet offered by WordPress comes highly recommended to stop spams.
Until you build traffic to your blog I don't believe it's necessary topay for your domain and your webhosting. Even if it comes pretty cheapthese days, it's still money out of your pocket.
If you have just started thinking about having a blog, maybe my analysis would help you make a decision.
I have used both of them and I could say that I really like WordPress.
Blogspot has a few disadvantages, the biggest one being that you can't categorize your posts.
If you are like me, meaning just a novice on blogging, you will needan idiot proof platform that it's easy to use. Let's take the mainelements of blogging and analyze wordpress vs. blogspot:
1. Templates
WordPress is the best, no doubt about it. It offers you a large varietyto choose from and it's almost impossible not to find something youwould like.
Score: wordpress 1: blogspot 0
2. Editor
Both of them have good editor to help you with spelling, adding pictures and links
Score: wordpress 1: blogspot 1
3. Organizing posts
Only WordPress offers this important feature. I found working withinBlogspot uncomfortable because there is no way you can organize yourposts nicely. You can only archive them.
Score: wordpress 1 : blogspot 0
4. Blog stats
That is one of the best features offered by WordPress. You can see howmany visitors your blog had, how did they arrive to your site/blog(what search words have they used) and it could help you fine tune yourtags or titles in order to make it more findable.
Blogspot shows you your blog activity when you have the adsense code.
Score: worpress 1: blogspot 0
5. Submitting blog to search engines
Blogspot being owned by Google, it will not ping your blog to yahoo for example. WordPress will do it.
WordPress being sort of independent is much more generous with pings.
Score: wordpress 1: blogspot 0
6. Getting your blog accepted for AdSense
This one is a no brainer: Blogspot is the only one that will put you ona fast track to be accepted by AdSense. This is the only big advantageBlogspot will have over WordPress. But because AdSense it' such a deadway of monetizing your blog, it's not worth it anymore.
Score: wordpress 0 : blogspot 1
7. Transfer you blog to your domain
If you consider using popular webhosts like HostPapa or GoDaddy, theWordPress editor is one that it's already given as option. Meaning thatwhen you transfer your successful (hopefully) blog to your own domainhosted by these guys, it should go considerably easier than when movingsomething from Blogspot.
Score: wordpress 1: blogspot 0
Final score: WordPress: 6 Blogspot: 2