10 SEO Analysis Tools Yang Harus Kamu Pakai
WooRank is a freemium tool that provides an "instant website review." Without a premium account, you are only allowed to generate a limited number of free reports, but you are able to view previously generated reports. Also, the tool currently offers a 7-day unlimited free trial, which gives you access to unlimited reviews. If you're interested in purchasing a plan, the cheapest one is $49/month.
Here's the summary view from a WooRank report:
The report is divided into the following 8 sections:
- Marketing Checklist-- These are the most important action items for your site.
- SEO-- This section checks if the site is following various on-page and off-page SEO best practices (e.g., appropriate title and description, keyword consistency, backlink count, www/non-www canonicalization, XML Sitemap usage, etc.).
- Mobile-- The mobile version of your site is displayed, and the site's adherence to mobile optimization best practices is evaluated.
- Usability-- This determines if your site is user-friendly by evaluating various usability best practices (e.g., the existence of a custom 404 page, above the fold content, structured markup, etc.).
- Technologies-- This section investigates miscellaneous aspects of the site (e.g., W3C standards compliance, speed optimizations, etc.).
- Social-- This quantifies your site's popularity on social networks, and it reproduces various social data found elsewhere (e.g., profile information on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.).
- Local-- This section presents your site's listings in local directories (e.g., Yelp, Foursquare, etc.) as well as online reviews associated with those listings.
- Visitors-- This measures the site's popularity based on various traffic estimates.
#2SEO Site Checkup
SEO Site Checkup is a free SEO analyzer that analyzes your site (and an optional competitor) using 45 individual checks in 6 different categories. Based on the results of those checks, the tool generates a summary, which includes a numerical score for the site and a count of the failed checks:
Below the summary, the tool presents the results of the 45 checks using the following sections:
- Common SEO Issues-- This section includes a wide variety of SEO checks (e.g., keyword usage in important markup areas, an appropriate code to text ratio, the existence of a robots.txt file and an XML Sitemap, HTML standards compliance, SEO-friendly URLs, etc.).
- Speed Optimizations-- This covers various load performance-related checks (e.g., page size, compression, caching, minification, server speed, etc.).
- Server & Security-- This section identifies a few important hosting and security characteristics of the site (e.g., proper canonicalization, appearance on suspicious blacklists, providing unnecessary access or displaying potentially sensitive information, etc.).
- Mobile Usability-- This checks if your site is mobile friendly by providing a snapshot of what it looks like on mobile devices and looking for media queries.
- Social Media-- This section helps quantify the site's social engagement by providing share counts for various popular social media sites.
- Semantic Web-- This tries to determine if the site is using structured data (e.g., schema.org microdata).
#3Site Auditor
Site Auditor is one of the SEO tools provided by Raven Tools as part of their Internet marketing solution. After you run Site Auditor on your website, the tool presents a report that summarizes its findings.
Currently, Raven Tools offers a 30-day free trial for Site Auditor (and all of their other tools). Once your free trial expires, the least expensive premium plan is $99/month.
Here's an excerpt from a Site Auditor report:
The report is broken into 9 different sections:
- Visibility-- This summarizes your site's visibility for search engines (e.g., which pages are blocked by robots.txt and/or robots meta tags, which pages cannot be found, and which pages return redirects).
- Meta-- This section identifies the site's most important metadata and corresponding duplication (e.g., duplicate titles, duplicate meta descriptions, etc.).
- Content-- This presents important characteristics for your site's textual content (e.g., title, link counts, word count, existence of internal duplicate content, etc.).
- Links-- This section lists information about the site's internal and external links (e.g., anchor text, if the links are broken, if the links are nofollowed, etc.).
- Images-- This shows your site's images and corresponding metadata (e.g., filename, alt text, title text, size, etc.).
- Semantics-- This section offers information about the site's headings (h1, h2, and h3 tags) and schema.org microdata (items and types).
- Desktop Page Speed-- This gives your site's desktop page speed results: a numerical score and corresponding speed-related best practices (e.g., avoid page redirects, enable compression, reduce server response time, etc.).
- Mobile Page Speed-- This section displays your site's mobile page speed results: a numerical user experience score, a numerical speed score, corresponding user experience best practices (e.g., size content to viewport, size tap targets appropriately, etc.) and speed-related best practices.
- Crawl Comparison-- This compares different crawls of the site (performed at different times) to evaluate how the site's issues are changing over time.
#4HubSpot's Marketing Grader
Unlike many of the other SEO analysis tools on this list, which focus primarily on your site's SEO activities, Marketing Grader digs a little deeper into your company's online marketing strategy.
Here is an example of a Marketing Grader report:
The report focuses on five areas of your company's online marketing efforts:
- Blogging-- This section investigates your blogging activities (e.g., does your site have a blog, does it have social sharing buttons, etc.).
- Social Media-- This section evaluates your social media activities (e.g., are you using Twitter and Facebook, do you link to your profiles from the homepage, etc.).
- SEO-- This section checks a few important on-page and off-page SEO ranking factors (e.g., titles, descriptions, backlinks, etc.).
- Lead Generation-- This section analyzes the effectiveness of your landing pages (e.g., are you using forms to capture leads, are you using analytics software to measure your results, etc.).
- Mobile-- This section determines if the page is mobile-friendly (e.g., are you using @media queries or a mobile stylesheet, do you have a meta viewport tag, what does the page look like on mobile devices, etc.).
#5Site Analyzer
Site Analyzer is another free SEO analyzer, and it presents 71 data points, which are organized into 5 groups. After you perform an analysis on your site, the tool presents an overview, which includes a global score as well as accessibility, design, texts, multimedia, and networking scores.
Here is an example of the tool's overview:
The tool also presents an in-depth view for each of the overview sections:
- Accessibility-- This includes general data about the site (e.g., if compression is enabled, whether page caching is allowed, download time, etc.), URL optimization, server configuration (e.g., hosting environment, IP address, etc.), internationalization, mobile compatibility, and more.
- Design-- This section describes how well your site has implemented various HTML/CSS elements (e.g., meta tags, page segmentation, CSS elements, scripts, etc.).
- Texts-- This shows important text-related information such as a page's title, text/code ratio, headings, keyword density distribution, and keyword usage.
- Multimedia-- This section is dedicated to images (e.g., the number of displayed images, the use of alt text metadata, etc.), Flash, frames, and icons.
- Networking-- This covers internal links (e.g., link counts and percentages, nofollowed links, link attributes, etc.), indexation (e.g., existence of a robots.txt file and an XML Sitemap, indexed page counts for various search engines, etc.), and connections to popular social networks.
#6SEO Workers
This SEO analysis tool has been around for quite some time, and although it's not the prettiest tool on the list, it's still incredibly useful. After you evaluate a URL, the tool presents an analysis report, which is broken down into the following sections:
- HTTP Headers Check-- This section displays the HTTP headers that are returned in response to a request for the given URL.
- Head Elements-- The page's most important tags (e.g., title, meta description, etc.) are displayed along with helpful advice and corresponding videos.
- Page Most Relevant Keywords / Keyphrases-- This section presents the page's most popular (based on keyword density) one, two, three, and four word keyword phrases.
- The Page Displayed within Search Engine Results-- This is an approximation of what the page will look like in the search engine results.
- URLs Found in the Page-- All of the page's internal and external outlinks are displayed.
- Keywords Found in the Anchor Tags-- This section shows the anchor text used in each of the page's outlinks.
- Keywords Found in Image Alt Attributes-- This is a list of the phrases used in alt text for the page's images.
- Heading & Phrase Elements-- Each of the page's heading and stylistic tags are shown.
Lipperhey is not as popular as some of the other SEO analysis tools, but it still presents a lot of important information. Similar to previous tools, Lipperhey generates an SEO analysis report based on the URL you provide.
Here's an excerpt from one of those reports:
The report provides a numerical score and 5 sections that cover the following topics:
- Visitors-- This estimates the number of visitors your site receives, and it helps quantify the site's social engagement.
- Indexability-- This section summarizes the site's indexability for search engines (e.g., does the site use a robots.txt file and an XML Sitemap, does the site avoid Flash and frames, etc.).
- Hosting-- This includes information about your site's hosting infrastructure (e.g., server location, hosting IP address, www/non-www canonicalization, download speed, redirecting domains, etc.).
- Design-- This section previews how the site appears on mobile devices, and identifies a few other design-related elements (e.g., inline style elements, images, etc.).
- On-Page SEO-- This illustrates how well your site has optimized various HTML elements (e.g., title, URL, meta description, headings, etc.).
#8UpCity Free SEO Report Card
UpCity offers a free website grader that analyzes a site and presents its findings in an SEO report card. This report card displays a numerical score, which is generated based on the site's adherence to 18 best practices in the following 6 categories:
- Rank Analysis-- This category identifies whether or not the site is ranking in Google and Bing for the targeted keyword.
- Link Building-- This section checks if the site is receiving a sufficient number of backlinks.
- On-Site Analysis-- This simply checks if the targeted keyword is being used in the homepage's title and body.
- Website Accessibility-- This category ensures that the site's homepage loads quickly and is accessible to search engines.
- Trust Metrics-- This section checks if the site is reasonably well established.
- Current Indexing-- This simply checks if the site is being indexed in Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.
Seoptimer is a free SEO analysis tool that investigates a given URL's on-page SEO ranking factors. After you analyze a URL, the tool presents a summary of the most important action items. Then, it displays its analysis results, which are broken down into the following 7 categories:
- HTML Header-- This shows the most important HTML elements (e.g., title, meta description, etc.).
- Body Content-- This section lists important HTML elements (e.g., headings, images, etc.).
- Internal and External Links-- This presents the page's internal and external outlinks.
- Additional Files-- This section identifies the site's robots.txt file and XML Sitemap.
- Social Media Signals-- This displays the number of shares for the URL on Facebook and Google+.
- HTTP Headers-- This section shows the HTTP response for the URL.
- Domain and Server-- This presents information about the page's Web server (e.g., IP address, name servers, etc.).
#10Free SEO Analysisby Web Gnomes
Our free SEO analysis tool provides a small subset of the information we provide in our industry-leadingSEO audit. The tool investigates a URL's adherence to 20 important on-page SEO best practices, and then, it presents the results in a report, which is divided into 5 categories:
- Accessibility-- Are search engines able to access the page?
- Content-- Is the page using substantive content?
- HTML Markup ()-- Does the page use optimized HTML tags (e.g., title, meta description, etc.)?
- HTML Markup ()-- Are the HTML tags (e.g., headings, images, etc.) optimized?
- URL-- Is the page's URL optimized?.
Here is an example of a report's summary gnome:
It's Your Turn!
I would love to hear from you in the comments. Which of these tools is your favorite? What other SEO analysis tools should everyone be using?