CURRICULLUM VITAE Pak Suardinata, Penguji Kompre saya
A . Personal Data
- Name : Suardinata
- Address : Jl. Sejahtera No. 16 Perumahan UTM Skudai Johor Bahru
- Occupation :
- Lecturer PNSD at STMIK Indonesia Padang
- Researcher at UTM Skudai at Faculty Computer
- Science and Information System Department Computer System and communication
- Contact number : 016 605 3502 (Mal), 081281421816 (INA)
- Email :,
My Brother :
- Anrison, S.Ag (graduated from : IAIN Batusangkar)
- Asra, S.Ag, (graduated from : IAIN Susqa Pbaru)
- Asri, S.Pdi, (graduated from : STIT Pariaman)
- Risdianto,ST,(graduated from : UIR Riau)
- Indra Nobel, S.Pd, (graduated from : UNRI Riau)
- Joharnes, S.Pd. (graduated from : UNP Padang)
My Sister :
- Harmawati,S.Ag, (graduated from : STAIN Bukit Tinggi)
- Elva Diana, SE, MM. (graduated from :Universitas Sutomo)
B. Education
- Basic Schools : SD Negeri No. 2 Campago Kp. Dalam Padang Pariaman Sumatera Barat from 1977 to 1983
Yunior School : SMPNegeri Kp. Dalam Padang Pariaman Sumatera Barat from 1983 to 1986
Senior School : STM Negeri Pariaman Padang Pariaman Sumatera Barat from 1986 to 1989
- Diploma degree : Diploma III in AMIK of Riau from 1995 to 1999
- Bachelor Degree : Sarjana Strata I (SI) at STMIK of Riau (Tekhnik Informatika) from 2001 to 2003
- Master Degree : Sarjana Strata II (SII)at UPI YPTK Padang (Teknologi Informasi) from 2004 to 2006
- Doctoral (Ph.D) : UTM Faculty Computer Science and Information System Department Computer System and Communication (Network Security area specific on VoIP QOS and Security) Skudai Johor Bahru Malaysia (in progress) from 2008 until now
C. My Skill
a. Software
- Installation and configuration of operating system under Windows among of windows 95, 98, 2000 Server, XP, and Vista.
- Installation and configuration of operating system under Linux among of Knoppix, Mandriva, Ubuntu, and Redhat.
- Installation and configuration of VoIP operating system (Briker and Openser)
- Installation of VoIP software application and setup.
- PHP programming and My SQL database (Web Programming)
- ASP programming (Web programming)
- Java Programming
- VB 6.0 programming
- VC++ 6.0 programming
- Java network programming
- Radmin (Network software)
- Network Simulation 2 (NS2)
- Packet Tracer Network simulation
b. Hardware
- Assembling and setup of personal computer (PC).
- Installation and configuration of Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Are Network (WAN) based on Windows and Linux operating system
- Setting and configuration of Wireless Access Point (WAP) and Wireless Router (WRT) indoor and outdoor.
- Setting webcam, scanner, and printer for LAN.
- Setting IP Phone hardware
D. My Teaching Subject Experiences
- Pengantar Jaringan Komputer (Introduction of Computer Network).
- Instalasi Komputer (Computer Installation)
- Jaringan Komputer (Computer Network)
- Pengantar Teknologi Informasi (Introduction of Information Technology)
- Keamanan Komputer (Computer Security)
- Manajemen Proyek (Project Management)
- Sistem Operasi and Network (Operating System and Network).
- Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (Software Engineering)
- Dasar Pemrograman Web (Basic of Web Programming)
- Pemrograman Web Lanjutan (Advanced of Web Programming)
E. My Teaching Job Experiences:
- Work as instructor and teacher of computer for Diploma I program at Computer Application System ( CAS College
) Pekanbaru Indonesian from 1996 to1999 year. - Work as lecturer freelance for Diploma I program at VEC Computer College Pekanbaru Indonesian from1996 to1999 year.
- Work as lecturer for Diploma I program Al-Azhar Computer College at Pekanbaru Indonesian from 2000 to 2001 year.
- Work as lecturer for Diploma I program LAMI Computer College in 2001 year.
- Work as lecturer for Diploma I and Diploma III (Bachelor degree) program at AMIK(Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer) of Riau from 2001 to 2004.
- Work as lecturer for Diploma I, Diploma III (Bachelor Degree) and Strata I (Sarjana) program at Kopertis Wil X Padang DPK STMIK (Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer) Indonesia Padang from 2005 until now.
F. My Research Experiences:
- The Acceptance Behavior Complexity of Online Recruitment as member at UTM Malaysia from 25 February 2008 - 25 Aug 2009
- Enhancing Security of Authentication Scheme in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) For Voice Over Internet Protocol (Voip) Application. From 2008-until now.
G. My Management experiences:
- As Head of teaching grant in PHK DIKTI A1 program at STMIK Indonesia Padang in 2005-2006
- As Head of teaching grant in PHK DIKTI A1 program at STMIK Indonesia Padang in 2006-2007
- As head of procurement in PMP DIKTI program at STMIK Indonesia Padang in 2006-2007
H. International Journals Publication :
- A Fuzzy Logic Classification of Incoming Packet for VoIPAuthor: Suardinata --- Kamalrulnizam Bin Abu Bakar
Journal:Year: 2010
Vol: 08
Issue: 2
Pages/record No.:TELKOMNIKA 165-174
- Comparison Process Long Execution Between PQ Algorthm And New Fuzzy Logic Algorithm For VOIP [Pdf] Suardinata, Kamalrulnizam bin Abu Bakar and Nimitr Suanmali, University Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA). January 2011, Volume 3. Number 1
- Selective Acknowledgement Scheme to Mitigate Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkNimitr Suanmali, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar and Suardinata,IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 Download Full-Text
- A New Buffering Design Concept for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Suardinata, Kamalrulnizam bin Abu Bakar. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS). 2011. ISSN: 1837-7823, IJCIIS June 2011 Vol. 2 No. 6.pdf - on Jul 1, 2011 4:16 AM by IJCIIS Editor (version1) 1851k View Download
- An analysis and comparison between new buffering design with Priority Queuing (PQ) algorithm and SPBA algorithm for VoIP, Suardinata, Kamalrulnizam bin Abu Bakar and Nimitr Suanmali, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Journal ISSN: 1738-7906, VOL.11 No.6, 30 June 2011, pp173-179,
I. National Journals Publication :
I. Local Journals Publication :
J. International Conferences:
- "SIP Security in Voice over Internert Protocol (VoIP)”, Suardinata (Supervisor: PM Dr. Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar), PARS seminar on June 2010
- Suardinata (PhD in Computer Science). Reducing Delay in Priority Queing (PQ) Algorithm For Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Based Application. PARS seminar on June 2010
K. National Conferences:
- Suardinata and Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar (2010). Perbandingan Lama Proses Eksekusi Antara PQ Algorithm dan New Fuzzy Logic Algorithm. Proceedings Applied Engineering Seminar 2010. Politeknik Caltex Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia. (ISBN: 978-979-97179-3-1)
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